Monthly Archives: März 2010

Ein guter Tipp

Ich lerne Deutsch seit einem Jahr und ich schon für mich ein paar guten Tipps ausgesucht, die also das Deutsch sprechen lernen erleichtern sollen:

1. Jeden Tag mindestens eine Stunde Deutsche Grammatik üben, am bestens mit einem guten Lehrer.

2. Bei jeder Möglichkeit auf Deutsch lesen, um so mehr, desto besser.

3. Und natürlich immer mit Muttersprachlern auf Deutsch sprechen.

Besser suchen Sie für sich einen Deutsch Sparchkurs in Deutschland aus, weil es da ein bestimmtes System gibt. Z.B., an der DeutschAkademie. Ist schon getestet!!!!!

Viel Spaß beim Lernen,


Neue Freundin



 Leider Habe ich im Deutschkurs keine neuen Freunde gefunden, da es dafür nicht genug Zeit gab. Aber aus meiner Au-pair Tätigkeit hat sich eine Freundschaft zwischen mir und dem Kind aus der Gastfamilie entwickelt. Sie heißt Anna und sie ist neun Jahre alt. Anna ist total nettes Kind. Wir verbringen mit ihr sehr viel Zeit zusammen und immer haben was zu tun. Anna besucht ein Mal pro Woche einen Bauernhof, wo sie reiten lernt. Und ich begleite sie immer. Es ist sehr interessant und macht Spaß. Wir kennen uns seit acht Monaten, aber ich kann sagen, dass wir uns schon seit hundert Jahren kennengelernt haben. Wir verstehen uns wie zwei Schwester.


Berliner Fernsehturm

Of the things I have done of a tourist nature since I arrived in Berlin I think the Berliner Fernsehturm has been my favourite.

Among other things you can see the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate the Olympic Stadium, the Museum Island and the Potsdamer Platz. All of which can be seen from the tower’s 360 degree view. But for me the best thing to see was the difference in architecture from the buildings in the East and the West.

Tickets are about 10 euro each. There is also a somewhat expensive restaurant you can dine at.


Socialising in Berlin

Berlin has no shortages of bars and clubs as my Deutsch Akadamie colleagues and I found out in recent weeks gone by. You are spoilt for choice in a city full of quirky bars and insane clubs. Every different area of Berlin has something on offer most notably Prenzlauer Berg, Mitte, Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. The latter being my favourite. This differs immensely from my hometown of Dublin where most of the night scene is based in the city centre. Another vast difference I have noticed is the opening hours of bars. They essentially close at whenever time they want to (which is rarely before 5am).

Here is a picture of my Deutsch Akadamie friends and I outside a bar in Kreuzberg.


German Dialogues Exercises

These are my favourite exercises that we do in Deutsch Akadamie. After completing a section or covering a specific series of grammar or vocabulary my teacher Annette gets us to write out different dialogues between two or three people utilising the new German skills that we have been taught. This practice is really an efficient tool for instilling a practice to memory. I find it to be at its most effective when we are studying the position of German verbs in different sentences. In this instance German is particularly different to English.

…and practice makes perfect.


3 Weeks in

So I wanted to summarise the first 3 weeks of my 2A course at Deutsch Akadamie. I have certainly learnt alot of German in this short time but what has surprised me the most was the breadth of the topics in which we covered. The 3 weeks have really helped me expand my vocabulary base. I now have a more fluid grasp of the Grammar. In particular my knowledge of Akkusativ, Dativ and Nominativ has come on heaps and bounds. My teacher Annette and the course book helped me understand how the different forms function.

We have also completed a wide range of listening excerices which have helped me develop an ear for the German language


German Radio

Having not had a television in my flat I have resorted to radio for the past 2 month. Despite alot of English and American songs being played it’s a great way to practice your hearing techniques. As a result of listening to copious amounts of radio here I am able to understand the Berliner accent somewhat better.

A problem with watching Television in Germany is that alot of the programmes are produced in foreign countries and are hence dubbed. I have been told that seeing an actors lips moving the wrong way for what he is saying can be detremental to your learning.

And by the way  Star 87.9 FM is the best radio station I have ever heard.

Here’s the new radio I bought in Saturn beside Deutsch Akadamie.




Meine Lieblingsübungen sind Sprachübungen, wo ich über unterschiedliche Themen sprechen kann. In meinem Unterricht bekomme ich ein Bild oder einen Text, die ich besprechen muss, z.B. haben wir gestern eine Werbung für eine Einkaufstasche gemacht. Das war sehr spannend, weil wir diese Einkaufstasche verkaufen mussten. Gleiche Übungen machen mir immer Spaß. Ich denke, dass solche Übungen sehr gute Erfahrung mitbringen, weil ich im Deutschunterricht unterschiedliche Themen besprochen muss. Und endlich ich kann schon ohne Angst mit allen Menschen auf Deutsch reden…  Ich bin sicher, dass die Menschen mich schon richtig verstehen können.


Recognising German Words

When conversing in German the toughest thing for me is not understanding what words are being said to me but actually what words are being said. The Berliner accent can be quite hard to understand and takes a lot of practice to get better. In my opinion one of the best exercises in class that we do is listening to the Themen Aktuell CD while reading the  the text in the book.  I find this helps every aspect of my German from vocabulary and grammer to pronunciation and the ever important word recognition skills.


image039.jpgI have found that the best place to practice what I have learnt at Deutsch Akadamie is at home. I currently live with 3 German girls. They are great resource to enhance my German language skills correcting my mistakes and providing much needed German conversation.

I found the room on here there are an abundance of advertisements for flat-shares and it also has an option for listings in English. I would be hesitant to look for rooms on craigslist as rooms I saw advertised appeared to be scams at later stages to me.

Here is my new clothes hanger that I bought in IKEA and recently assembled.