Daily Archives: 4. März 2010



According to these wretched scales that you can find in Möckernbrücke (U6) I am too fat. I want to believe they follow post-war standards, but I guess that is not even true and I have had too many döner. It was worth it, in any case…

Kommt nicht in die Tüte!

I think it is a gret idea that the plastic bags are not given for free in German shops. In my country, if you buy three items in a shop the average number of plastic bags that you get is 6. No kidding. We could probably line up all the bags I have got in my life until now and we could go to the moon, cover it in plastic bags, come back to Earth and give every human being a plastic bag in case they go to Germany and need some of them. Why do the Spanish people love them as much as the Germans hate them will remain a mystery forever…


How We Doing, Deutsch Akademie?

Pretty good. That’s my verdict having nearly completed two month-long intensive German courses at language school DeutschAkademie, Berlin. I’ve been living here for a year and a half, but as every English speaker knows, it takes dedication to learn German when every German wants to practice his English. It is really only over the last two months that I’ve begun to decode and appreciate the full extent of the world around me. Many thanks go to my two excellent instructors at Deutsch Akademie, Wiebke and Olaf. Unfortunately, I have to take a break from classes this month in order to do some traveling–but I intend to keep my newfound skills fresh using Deutsch Akademie’s free online german course, which sounds great.  But you don’t have to take my word for it: German online course. Thanks again, and see you next time!


Dong Xuan Center

dong.jpgThe Dong Xuan Center lives on the eastern outskirts of Berlin, just shy of the Germo-Vietnamese border. Three huge hangars house hundreds of vendors hawking every oddball item you never realized you needed, along with some excellent viet-food.  You will be immediately bowled over by the scope and scale of odd, seemingly useless stuff for sale. These products make you feel very close to the sweatshop–as if perhaps in order to cut costs, some vital voice of reason has been eliminated from the value chain, leaving the misguided factory bosses to churn out thousands of wildly inappropriate statuettes, insane toys and eccentric clothes. Between the fake flower stalls and nail salon supplier shops there are a couple of fine supermarkets with huge tanks of leaping carp that splash passers by. After having your mind blown, and perhaps picking up a musical-LED–birdcage-lighter, be sure to settle in at one of the Dong Xuan’s excellent restaurants for one of the best dishes in Berlin: Bún Thịt Nướng (marinated barbecued pork with rice noodles and vietnamese-style sweet and sour sauce).

Dong Xuan Center
Herzbergstraße 128
10365 (Lichtenberg) Berlin
Open Wed-Mon, 9am-9pm 

Herr Lehmann

I thought I’d share my review of Herr Lehmann, an entertaining German film I might never have discovered were it not for my classes at Deutsch Akademie.herrlehmann.jpgDer Film Herr Lehmann von Leander Haussmann öffnet ein Fenster zu der Welt Berlin Kreuzberg vor dem Mauerfall. Christian Ulmen spielt überzeugend den melancholischen bier-süchtigen Herr Lehmann der versucht die chaotischen, bunten Leute und Situationen seines Boheme-Lebens. Aber der echte Hauptschauspieler des Films ist die Stadt-selbst. Wir sehen viele gut entworfene Szenen der grauen Berliner Strassen wie es im Jahre 1989 war. Diese Strassen, wie Herr Lehmann-selbst, scheinen zwischen der alten und neuer Welt verloren, aber Veränderung bestimmt.