Yearly Archives: 2010

Snowmen Demonstration

Before the good weather finally arrives, you should go and see the Snowmen demonstration in Schlossplatz (in front of the Berliner Dom)

Eviromentalists and sympathizers have created this massive demonstration of snowmen that warns us about the consequences of global warming.


Schönes Wochenende!


The people of Germany have really good ideas sometimes like giving you part of your money back if you recycle bottles, bicycle lanes everywhere and Biergärten. Some of their ideas are just not so cool, such as holidays in Benidorm, really counting some bread with butter + any random ingredient as a real meal  and the declination of the adjective. I mean, they do it that way so no foreigner can say any sentence that does not contain at least three mistakes, don’t they?

Choose a word. Choose an adjective to describe that word. Choose an ending for the adjective. By the way, never mind thinking too hard, as 90% of the time whatever you chose will be the wrong ending. My solution of never using adjectives is not very useful if you want to communicate with other human beings, so we are doomed to study the declination of the adjective again and again so our frustration grows like hell. Still, everybody will understand our free style use of the adjective, so talk with any stranger as if there were no dative…



This is probably the best supermarket that exists, existed and will ever exist. It is a supermarket with a street market atmosphere that will not leave you indifferent because it is CHEAP and the cashiers are friendly and if you’re from Turkey they even speak your language. Of course they speak perfect German as well, so there is no excuse not to go and buy kilos of fruit and/or misterious Turkish Maggi soups.

Their webpage:

I would recommend the one in Neukölln, the cheapest I found until now.


Gunning for Business


Tough times have hit the Ku’ Damm. Poor old Luxury is always the first casualty of a bad economy.

Half the Damm’s sidewalk jewel boxes–devised to bring you within a few glass inches of Baccarat and Gucci-things–are plastered over with glowing ads for tourist spaghetti troughs. Now it seems this old gentleman’s mainstay, More for Less, has decided to take matters into its own hands, in the Jack Torrance sense. The rather desperate looking sign reads “WE’RE SHOOTING…”.

Granted there is just one L between Schiessen and Schliessen, which means “closing”. That’s probably what they meant. Feeling lucky?


berlin23enero-010small.JPGHi! My name is Ana and I began my German course today. I would like to write in German, but I’m lacking confidence to do so right now. I hope I will be able to write my entries in German by the end of this course, though.

If anybody is reading this before coming to Berlin I would like to suggest them that they should pack as many sweaters as their suitcases can possibly hold. Believe me: you are probably coming from a warmer country, unless you are coming  from Siberia. Streets are icy and slippery, but the city is worth several embarrassing falls, that’s a fact!

Long Night of the Museum

On Berlin’s biannual Long Nights of the Museum (Lange Nacht der Museen), nearly all of the city’s many museums stay open until 2:00 am. A single ticket buys universal admission as well as unlimited public transportation for the night. The winter event was held the weekend before last–as it happened, by the light of the year’s brightest biggest moon.


My girlfriend and I went to the Museum für Naturkunde. It was the night’s only stop thanks to a late start, but I have absolutely no regrets. The Museum für Naturkunde is charming and old-school. In contrast to so many technologically overwrought,  super child-friendly museums one sees these days, the Museum für Naturkunde’s shabby treasures speak for themselves.


It was the perfect museum to see by night. The crowds were out in full force, sipping pink cocktails under the world’s largest fossil brachiosaur–but in the moments we were alone, the old museum by night felt forbidden and magical.


Check out amazingly cute dead animals like these at the Museum für Naturkunde by day, or wait for the summer event on August 28, 2010.

Kostenloses Material zum Deutsch lernen

Hallo ihr Lieben,

wir stellen euch von nun an diverse kostenlose Materialien zum Download zur Verfügung, die euch beim Deutsch lernen helfen sollen!

Zum Beispiel bieten wir euch die gratis Grammatiktafel an, die die wichtigsten Grammatikpunkte der deutschen Sprache zusammenfasst. Damit ihr die Grundregeln nie vergesst, solltet ihr das Poster irgendwo aufhängen, wo ihr es immer sehen könnt: am Spiegel im Vorzimmer, im Badezimmer, auf dem Kühlschrank, neben eurem Schreibtisch… Falls ihr die Grammatiktafel in Farbe haben möchtet, könnt ihr euch gerne in der DeutschAkademie eine abholen!

Wir stellen euch auf der Seite auch noch viele andere gratis Produkte vor! :)

Deutsch lernen Newsletter

Liebe Studenten,

heute haben wir den neuen DeutschAkademie Newsletter verschickt! So wie jedes Monat enthält er auch diesmal wieder eine typisch deutsche/österreichische Tradition, einen Grammatikpunkt und ein Spezialthema.

Diesmal haben wir euch die Gerichte der typischen deutschen Hausmannskost beschrieben. Habt ihr euch schon einmal gefragt, was ein Wiener Schnitzel, Sauerkraut oder Eisbein wirklich ist? In unserem Newsletter findet ihr die Antwort – lasst euch überraschen!


Beim Grammatikpunkt haben wir diesmal die Anwendung und den Aufbau des Akkusatives beschrieben. Wann verwendet man den Akkusativ?

Um zu überprüfen, ob ihr euch die Vokabel der Hausmannskost wirklich merken konntet, haben wir ein Kreuzworträtsel für euch entwickelt – probiert es aus!


Falls ihr euch noch nicht für den DeutschAkademie Newsletter angemeldet habt, könnt ihr das hier nachholen: Deutsch lernen Newsletter

Viel Spaß!

My Class


Three weeks have passed, and 1 week only is left.. time passed by quickly. We’ve learned a lot in so little time. My classmates were definitely an important factor in this positive learning experience, more or less everyone was on the same level, so we didn’t have problems moving on.

In my class we were ten students, Gordana from Serbia/Canda, we sat next to each other, and quite often we got hush-hushed by Johanna, out teacher :P

Then there was Martin from Sweden, he is an artist! He sings, plays the guitar, and I think he does a bunch of other things. You could tell from his looks that he is made for music, he is funny, and surely confident.

We had also our two dear Brazilians, one from Rio de Janeiro, and the other from Sao Paolo, but I don’t know which is from where, hehe. One is Liana, she is a researcher, and the other is my friend Eduardo, he’s a young web designer, and he likes traveling.. maybe for those two I saw a bit of myself in him.

Ingvild from Norway is also an artist, she does photography, writing and I think also paints, and she has beautiful eyes and style!

Richard from USA works in a law firm here, we saw him a few times in our class :P

Then Gyorgy from Solvakia.. whenever I think about him, I think about the word “aber..”! Lol. He is so sweet.

Djibooo, she got me a hamburger the other day, and some chocolate for everyone! When Johanna asked her “ was bist du von beruf?” she answered “i am a tourist!”.. I dont know but we found it really funny then.. but then I found out she also plays soccer here, maybe this is what she does “von beruf”. She is from Niga, don’t mix it up with Niagara.

Then comes Marina from Russia, who had experienced Berlin’s Underground for the first time the other day, after about a year of living here! Wow, right? :D Marina has usually very funny answers for the exercises we have in class.

My dear classmates, you made this course a wonderful experience, it wouldn’t have been the same without each one of you! :)


Rubik’s Cube Party

Last Saturday I went to this event, called Rubik’s Cube Party. I wasn’t really planning to go since I was at the Visual Voltage exhibition earlier, but my friend insisted that we should go so I thought to myself, “Well, its just a Rubik’s Cube party, whats the worse that can happen? Trying to solve it and failing? What the hell, we’re going!”

So I arrive there, and my friends are all dressed up like clowns! Everyone was wearing green, red, white, yellow, all together! When they saw me in my jeans and green pullover, they got disappointed. I was like, huh?

Apparently, there are no Rubik’s cubes at all, so what is the party is all about?

The idea is that you get dressed up as Rubik’s cube wearing different colour clothes. Throughout the night you swap clothes with people at the event until you are wearing all one colour clothes. You are not going to get your clothes back at the end of the night, but you might be leaving with someone else’s clothes! Lol. So when you make it to one colour, you can go and ask the photographer to take a photo of you, then you start your search for the next colour!

I managed to be all green, all red, and all white! that was so much fun :D

Me on the way to green :)

He made it!