Daily Archives: 13. Januar 2011

Berlin LIVE?!

Some of the most fascinating live gigs take place in Berlin. Groups and artists from all over the world representing a huge variety of musical styles come at least once in Berlin in order to perform in front of the Berliner audience. The city has a long tradition in hosting some of the most famous groups / singers in the world…

In Berlin, one can find at least one gig -some times much more- per day ranging from experimental electro-punk to philharmonic sessions. So, instead of just sit on your couch and watch sitcoms I would suggest to go out and find your favorite live performance! And who knows, you might find an interesting opportunity to practice your German language skills…

Zu guter letzt, for those who are interested in more experimental stuff, the 2011 Transmediale starts on 1 February. More information at http://www.clubtransmediale.de/.

And finally, a small taste of Berlin’s underground scene:
