Monthly Archives: April 2011

Knock knock! Frühling hier.

Today was one of the best days since I came to Berlin. So sunny and warm that the entire city looked like a holiday resort.  The sun threw away our winter jackets and brought new light colored outfits. The people got out of their homes, out of bars and coffee shops and simply relaxed on the grass, made a picnic or played cards.

Many young people, though, decided to welcome spring in some other way. With music and dance.

That’s why this Sunday, Janowitzbrucke invited spring to dance during an electro party called Licht and Liebe Open Air. To me, this was the first open air party I attended in Berlin and I was really excited to take pictures and enjoy every second of it. But a friend told me “Don’t worry, it’s just the beginning. The whole summer is like that!”

The people were dancing, were chatting, were having a good time. You could see the spring sun on their faces.  Small touristic boats were floating on the river. People inside were waving hands, taking pictures and dancing on our music. Some of them seemed to be 80 or so, but definitely felt younger today.  Everyone was so relaxed that it seemed the good weather has made them all forget their problems. I guess this is the best and most beautiful gift that sun and spring can bring to people.

There was such a breeze of freshness in the air. Smelled like teen spirit, smelled like a new beginning. And, as tomorrow is the start of a new week and of a new class (B2.1), I really hope that these beginnings will be as sunny and pleasant as the arrival of the spring itself.

East Side Gallery

Buenos días a todos!!! Hoy os comento, por si no habéis estado, el lugar donde se conserva la mayor parte de Muro de Berlín (1 km 300 metros). Desde el año 1990, 106 artistas de todo el mundo vienen a pintar una parte de dicho muro, rememorando la Libertad. Es muy interesante y hay muchos muy famosos.
Está al lado del estadio O2, cerca de Warschauer Str. Podéis echar fotillos muy chulas como las que os pongo. Si os gusta el arte y la interpretación del mismo, os animo a ir.

Joaca de-a germana

Va mai amintiti celebra intrebare din scoala generala “Ce-a vrut sa spuna poetul?” Eu, daca ma concentrez un pic, mai ca aud vocea subtire a profesoarei de romana si mai ca ii vad spranceana colorata cu dermatograf cum se arcuieste. Nici nu visau poetii cate profunzimi le descopeream noi!

Dar de replica “Spune-ne te rog de ce radeai, sa radem cu totii…” va mai amintiti? Cum ii puteam spune ca radem… de ea? Ca un coleg ii lipise o hartiuta cu “loveste aici” pe spate sau ca, datorita unui tic nervos, timp de 10 minute a plescait din limba de 247 de ori.

A-i spune unui profesor fara simtul umorului de ce razi e din start o cauza pierduta. Un top 3 al reactiilor ar suna cam asa:

1. Esti trimis pe sala sa te linistesti

2. Se face morala intregii clase toata ora si, timp de 4 ani, esti ascultat la fiecare lectie.

3. Esti spus parintilor si esti pus la panoul rusinii sa te stie toata lumea de mic infractor. Si, bineinteles, timp de 4 ani, esti ascultat la fiecare ora.

Pe atunci, si cred ca si acum, ori invatai de frica, ori nu invatai deloc. De invatat din placere nu prea era vorba.

Ei, bine, dupa ani de zile de lasat cartea deoparte, m-am reapucat de invatat. De data asta, insa, constat ca se poate si altfel. Chiar se poate merge la scoala cu placere. Se invata din joaca si se invata cu voie buna. Se invata fara teama ca te faci de rusine daca raspunsul tau nu e cel corect. Fara binecunoscutul “Patru, treci in banca.”

De exemplu, azi am desenat. Am primit niste foite cu cateva personaje schitate. Folosind cuvintele din lectie, trebuia sa descriem aceste personaje colegilor de grupa astfel incat acestia sa le poata reproduce cat mai asemanator cu originalul. La sfarsit, aveam 8 personaje, unul mai plin de personalitate ca altul:)

Tot azi am facut si putina publicitate. Obiectul promovat? Un zar! Un zar care danseaza pe masa. Sau un zar care plange cand aduce ghinion. Alte echipe au promovat un breloc sau un lipici. Simplu. Fara reguli stricte. Cu umor. Am ras si intre noi, am ras si cu profesoara. Nu am fost trasi de urechi ca domnul desenat era diform sau prea cracanat si nici ca n-am stiut formula chimica a lipiciului.

Totusi, recunosc, la ce dor de casa ma mai apuca uneori, mi-ar placea sa-mi cheme parintii la sedinta…