Daily Archives: 18. November 2013

My experience at DeutscheAkademie Wittenbergplatz

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Hallo DeutschAkademie!

Last week i saw someone asking about the experience from a DeutschAkademie student, so today i will write in English because i believe this way everyone that is looking for a German School will understand it all ;)

I relocated to Berlin 5 months ago and i was looking for a German School in Berlin, where i could make an intensive course and that the atmosphere seemed nice to me! So after i took a look at some schools and reading in some blogs, i went to DeutschAkademie in Wittenberplatz. Nowadays i really think it’s easy to find the school, but the first day i do not know why it took me a while to see the school… Be aware that there is a poster near the entrance door, so it’s easy to see!

At that moment i was living in Berlin for only one week and i could not speak German. I knew some words, had a general idea about German language… but not enough to communicate! When i got to the „Büro“ i asked for some information: when could i start an intensive course, how long was the course, how much would it cost, etc… I guess i just asked the basic information we all want to know!

They were really nice to me, and i asked that they talked with me in German, but really slooooooooooow! And so it was! I was able to understand it all and to make myself clear with few words in German.

They asked me if i could do a short test, just to see my German level. This is normal procedure and it does not take so much time. After that they analyse your test and suggest the level you should do, and why.

It was an easy decision for me. I was pleased with the support they were giving me and i decided i would make an intensive course for 4 weeks at DeutschAkademie.

This was in June. After almost five months i still study in DeutschAkademie. This is the fifth month i am there and i am pleased. Until now i had three different teachers and they are all really good teachers! The groups are small, we are maximum 10 persons in the classroom and that allows the teacher to understand the difficulties each student has. The classes are 3 hour long, and we do a lot of talking. Not only we learn the grammar, but while learning we have the opportunity to talk and use the words we learn at the moment…

The atmosphere is really casual and you got the opportunity to know people from every country (it is really a multicultural school). And, of course, when you are beginning to learn a new language sometimes you just need to speak another language that you already know (for example, english) and the staff from DeutschAkademie speaks other languages so you won’t have any problem to communicate!

And if you stay more than one month and decide to do the next level… then you just start to know all the staff and students, and you just feel good at the school! 

If you have any specific question, i will be pleased to answer you and give you my feedback about DeutschAkademie but to summarize, my experience in this school is really positive.

Stammtisch – Get together der DeutschAkademie am 20.11.2013 – Gemeinsam nach dem Deutschkurs Spaß haben!


zum traditionellen GET TOGETHER – STAMMTISCH der DeutschAkademie Berlin im Hofbräu am Alexanderplatz! Nach dem Deutschkurs gemeinsam etwas Trinken, Essen und mit Spaß die Deutschkenntnisse verbessern! Wir freuen uns auf Euch.

Bis Mittwoch!


EVERYONE who feels like joining us IS WELCOME!

Meet people, practice your German and spend a pleasant evening – Thats our GET TOGETHER!

We are looking forward to a great night out with you at Hofbräu Berlin. Let´s get together :)

See you on Wednesday!

Kulturprogramm BERLIN – Nach dem Deutschkurs ging es diesmal in den Untergrund Berlins

Hallo ihr Lieben,

anbei findet ihr die Fotos unseres letzten Kulturprogrammes BERLINER UNTERWELTEN am 15. November 2013.

Hier ging es in den Untergrund Berlins, wo wir eine tolle und sehr interessante Tour erleben durften. Nicht nur die Geschichte(n) der Fluchttunnel, sondern auch die Berliner Geisterbahnhöfe, ihre scheinbar perfekte Sicherung gegen sogenannte Grenzverletzer und das Absperren der Kanalisation gegen unterirdische Fluchtversuche fanden in dieser Führung ausgiebig Erwähnung.

Wir hoffen, dass euch die Tour gefallen hat & bis zur nächsten Tour!