Yearly Archives: 2013

Berghain, toda una experiencia!

Son las 00’30 del sábado y la muchedumbre ya se agolpa en la cola que se extiende a lo largo de toda la calle. Alemanes, ingleses, españoles, italianos… todos unidos por un mismo deseo: recibir un SÍ en la entrada de Berghain.

Aunque llevo casi 5 meses en Berlín y ya habían sido muchísimas la voces que me alentaban a ir a uno de los clubs más legendarios de esta ciudad, el casi imposible acceso a su interior resonaba demasiado fuerte en mi cabeza y terminaba desistiendo en el intento.

He de admitir que hacer cola para entrar a una discoteca no va mucho conmigo, y menos si durante el tiempo de espera, debes simular más bien que vas a un velatorio en lugar de a una macrofiesta. Aunque si el final es feliz, poco se termina acordando uno del largo tiempo de espera.

He aquí el gran problema de Berghain. Nadie te garantiza un final feliz. Es más, lo más normal es que tras una o dos horas de cola, sin ninguna razón, criterio ni explicación seas rechazado y debas irte con el rabo entre las piernas en busca de otro sitio donde correr mejor suerte.

Pero si, por el contrario, el Dios que decide los afortunados que entraran, cree que esa noche mereces pasar, debes estar preparado para vivir una experiencia TOTAL!!! Una vez dentro el tiempo se detiene y solo puedes gozar durante horas y horas de las ondas sonoras que desprende el impresionante equipo de sonido del lugar.

Merece la pena la incertidumbre, el frío, la espera…? Yo creo que sí, si no entras siempre puedes irte a otro sitio. Eso sí, si vais el domingo por la mañana, vuestras probabilidades de éxito aumentarán considerablemente. ¡Nos leemos!


DeutschAkademie wünscht allen einen frohen Valentinstag! DeutschAkademie wishes you all a happy Valentine’s day!

Wir wünschen euch einen frohen Valentinstag! Heute habt ihr die Gelegenheit, euren Freunden vom Deutschkurs in Berlin eure Valentinsgrüße zu schicken. Ihr könnt eure Grüße in den Briefkasten beim Büro werfen und wir hängen sie dann an die Pinnwand.



We wish you all a happy Valentine’s day! Today you have the opportunity to send your friends from the German course in Berlin your personal Valentine’s greetings. You can through them into the box in front of the office and we will hang them on the wall.


Stammtisch im Brauhaus Südstern am 24.01.2013

Erster Stammtisch / First Get Together 2013 der Sprachschule im “Die Berliner Republik” Berlin Mitte

Letzten Donnerstag hatten wir unseren ersten Stammtisch im Jahr 2013. Wir haben uns nach dem Deutschkurs in der Bar „Die Berliner Republik – Die Hauptstadtkneipe“ getroffen und in gemütlicher Atmosphäre unser Deutsch verbessert. Wenn auch du nach deinem Deutschkurs in Berlin weiter Deutsch lernen und neue Freunde kennen lernen möchtest, komm doch beim nächsten Stammtisch vorbei oder mach mit bei unserem Freizeitprogramm. Bis zum nächsten Stammtisch! Deine Sprachschule in Berlin.

Last Thursday we had our first Get Together of the year 2013. After the German course we met in the bar “Die Berliner Republik – Die Hauptstadtkneipe” and improved our German in a comfortable atmosphere. If you want to keep learning German after your German course in Berlin and if you want to meet new friends, come to our next Get Together or join our leisure program. See you at the next Get Together! Your language school in Berlin.

El jueves pasado tuvimos nuestro primer Get Together del año 2013. Después del curso de alemán, nos encontramos en el bar “Die Berliner Republik – Die Hauptstadtkneipe” y mejoramos juntos nuestro alemán en un ambiente relajado. Si tú también quieres seguir practicando después de tu curso de alemán en Berrlín y hacer nuevos amigos, reúnete con nosotros en nuestro próximo Get Together o apúntate en nuestras actividades. ¡Nos vemos en el próximo Get Together! Tu escuela de idiomas en Berlín.

Opening a Bank Account in Berlin

If you plan on staying in Berlin for an extended period, you’ll absolutely want to open a bank account. After obtaining your Anmeldebestätigung, this is the next thing you’ll want to look into. It will allow you to do things like: start a gym membership in Berlin, set up direct deposit for a new job, and automate rent payments.

In case you haven’t noticed, most shops and restaurants do not accept Visa. So carrying yours around won’t get you too far here. Carrying around huge amounts of cash probably isn’t the best idea either! So let’s get started on setting up a bank account in Berlin.

To open a bank account in Berlin and to register for most anything in the city, you will need your passport and your Anmeldebestätigung paper. Keep these in a safe place and carry them with you for these types of appointments. If you are a student, you will require student identification to set up at student bank account in Berlin.

Choosing a Bank in Berlin

Like in most cities, there are a variety of financial institutions to choose from. Berlin’s major retail banks include Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Postbank, Dresdnerbank, Volksbank and Sparkasse. Choosing the right one for you will depend on a variety of factors. For many, service in English will be a primary concern. You will want to understand how your money is being managed and all the ways in which your new account will work. Convenience is also important – does the bank have many institutions that are close by to your flat or easily accessible by transit?  Does the bank have many Geldautomats (automated banking machines) around the city? Options will vary if you are a student, own property, have children, etc. These are all important things to discuss with the bank you are interested in.

Start by visiting a bank and setting up an appointment with a financial advisor. You will quickly find out if the location offers service in English or another language at this interaction. It is commonly understood that the banks in popular tourist areas near the city center are more likely to offer service in English. This is also something to consider in your choice.

My Story

I decided to go with Sparkasse Bank. For many of you, this will sound familiar. This is because Sparkasse has over 150 locations throughout Berlin. There is one conveniently located at Alexanderplatz right near my classes at DeutschAkademie. When I arrived, I let the receptionist know that I would like to open a bank account. I tried my best auf Deutsch and as always they appreciated it, but they were able to book me an appointment with an English-speaking advisor for the next afternoon. The appointment took approximately 45 minutes. My advisor was super friendly and open to any questions that I had. I opted for a strictly online account, as this more affordable and more suited to my needs. A large portion of the appointment was focused on insurance offerings. These options include personal liability insurance and home insurance. Your advisor will give you a description of each option and you can decide which ones are applicable to you. As a side note, having these insurances actually helped me secure a permanent flat in Berlin! My advisor joked a few times during our appointment that “Germans love insurance.” Apparently that’s true!

Getting Started

Most things about opening a Bank Account in Berlin and the process involved will be fairly straightforward and similar to the one in your hometown. The only thing that was different for me and a few others that I’ve spoken to, was that once you have opened the account the bank will send you your newEurocard (EC) in the mail. This will follow with another letter a few days later indicating your PIN. This was confusing to me at first, but it was explained that this is an extra security precaution.

Once you have your card and PIN, you’re good to go! Banks are typically open on weekdays until 4:30 pm and later on Thursdays. On Saturdays, they are open for a few hours and are generally very busy. Banks are closed on Sundays, but Geldautomats are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and found all over the city. But be careful- using a Geldautomat for a bank other than your own will cost you anywhere from €3 – €6.

And lastly, it’s okay to shop around! If you’re not completely comfortable with the options that one institution provides, set up an appointment with another advisor at a different bank. It’s an important decision and one that will require some research.

Good luck opening up a bank account in Berlin!