Monthly Archives: Februar 2014

Freitag Abend mit Freunden

Die Gruppe von Studenten aus dem Kurs A2.1. am Freitagabend zum Abendessen zusammen gegangen. Ich bin in dieser Gruppe :).

Das hier ist das Restaurant „Noah’s“, wir uns getroffen:  um 18 Uhr. Es war ein Tisch auf Pias Namen reserviert. Pia ist unsere Lehrerin.

Von den zehn Studenten, drei sind nicht gekommen. Wir sieben haben eine Menge Essen und Trinken, und vor allem über die Dutsche Sprache sprachen wir.

Das war ein sehr interessanter Abend:)!


An average day in Berlin

The weather is not so nice today, as yesterday. There’s no sun. An average February day in Berlin, as everybody says. I woke up early, as I had a meeting at the University.

After beautiful day yesterday, I woke up fresh, so I quickly managed to do all morning preparations for new full working day and even to bake several anti-gluten bans and give the water to my plants.

At the Faculty there’s almost nobody – the spring break started last week. I was so happy to do my research at peace finally, but there is a problem! Actually, some works in the building where my office is have to be undertaken during the spring break :(. Unfortunately, it is so noisy there that I could not work there these days. So, I took some books from the library and left in order to work from home… However, I do not have so much of inspiration today.

Anyhow, this Friday is not going to be completely average and a kind of a boring day, because tonight the group from German course is going out together for a diner. Und – wir mussen Deutsch sprechen heute Abend!


Unsere Fotos vom Stammtisch am 26.02.14 im Mommseneck


für den gemütlichen Abend im Mommseneck im Berlin! Nette Gespräche mit tollen Menschen, Karten spielen mit den Freunden aus dem Deutschkurs und ein Feierabendbier nach den Deutschübungen konnten wir gemeinsam genießen!

Wir wünschen euch mit den Bildern des Abends ein wundervolles Wochenende und freuen uns bereits auf den nächsten Stammtisch mit euch!

Wir lernen Deutsch – 2

Today I went to my German course relaxed and not tired at all, despite previous three days. So, naturally, my concentration was at high level. And, I felt very good at the class as I understood everything, I did all exercises without mistakes and took part in all conversations in full capacity:).

So, the day was really great: I stayed at home in the morning, did things in a manner of taking my time (not in a hurry as the other days), prepared my vegetarian lunch, did my homework for German course in which I took part in the evening. I’ve really enjoyed my day!

It is great to organize day like this from time to time. Also, as I read Einstein’s motto had been: „Work, don’t speak (unnecessarily) and take a rest.“

I really feel like I am taking intellectual rest while learning German.

IMG_1992IMG_1996[1]from the classIMG_1986

Day at home:)

After previous busy weeks and days, full of intensive research work, German learning and sightseeing (what a combination!), I decided to stay one day at home until 6 pm when my German course starts.

But, that doesn’t mean I am not working on my German language. Ich muss Deutsch uben…

Namely, I took a receipt for a salad meal with vegetarian croquets/nuggets from a German cooking book and made it without any problem. OK, I know the salad is not a difficult meal, but the vegetarian nuggets are not an easy job, though!

photo blog 12

So, this is the photo and I can tell you it is very tasteful. Mmmm – das ist lecker!







Wittembergplatz as one of the best locations :)

The position of Deutsch Akademie at Wittembergplatz is simply perfect! Everything you need for normal functioning is nearby: supermarket, U-bahn, stores, cafes, KADEVE, restaurants, mobile phone offices, giros place, DM, Rossmann, Keisers’, bookshop, pharmacy, and much more.

Everyday, while coming back from the University, going to the course I am so thankful that I chose such a great location for learning German. It is convenient to almost all activities one may want to do. For example, today at the course we’ve been talking (in German!) that we would like to go out for dinner together one evening. And – it was easy to choose the place: we will simply meet in front of the DA and just go along the street and pick up some of numerous excellent restaurants around Wittemberplatz.

I like especially the atmosphere of the restaurants in shopping centers with a lot of people who are relaxed while drinking their coffees and bears. Here are some of today’s photos from nearby center Europa.

So, since we are aware that we make our own universe on the fly, why not make it easier and pick up nice locations for our activities? That makes life so easier and more fantastic!



Stammtisch – Get together BERLIN am 26.02.14

WILLKOMMEN! Neue Leute kennen lernen, alte Freunde treffen, Essen, Trinken und viel lachen, Deutsch üben und sprechen – das ist der GET TOGETHER – STAMMTISCH der DeutschAkademie BERLINWir freuen uns auf Euch.


EVERYONE who feels like joining us IS WELCOME! Meet people, practice your German and spend a pleasant evening together with new and old friends – that´s the traditionel GET TOGETHER – STAMMTISCH of DeutschAkademie in BERLIN! We are looking forward to a great night out with you. Let´s get together!


Nature is waking up


It is really great to have such a beautiful, sunny and just a little bit chilly day in Berlin. Actually, this weather has been kept on during the last week, as well :).  I haven’t imagined that February could be such nice here, as everybody kept talking about strong German winter, lasting even until late March.

On the way from my new home to the University campus I found these beautiful plants with thick dark green leaves that reminded me on beautiful nature of my home country. In addition, here there is a pigeon nest at my balcony, just as I had one in Montenegro. So, it is lovely to feel like at home :).

After the working day at the University, I’ll go to my German classes at DA. Thanks to the sunny day I feel fresh and energetic, so very eager to adopt new German phrases, see good people in the course and interact with them.  It is great to have a day full of vitamin D – the „sunshine vitamin“!


We learn German on the fly. I like the expression as it is linked with one of Churchill’s sentences: “We are making our own Universe on the fly”. And that is true. We are masters of our own lives as our universe!

So, on the fly, on Saturday evening I ended up in the Badehaus Szimpla club with live music . Two bands performed some mixture of music and they advertised it as the Balkan music mixed with some other styles.

Although the music was totally different from what I’ve expected (as I come from the Balkans), it was actually great! Quality performance and positive people around me made an excellent Saturday/Sunday night. We’ve been even dancing and singing some German words in the refrains of – to us unknown – songs. I am truly thankful to my colleagues from the university who invited me to “break the daily agenda full of work


Weekend in Berlin – 1

Iv neben MaurerIMG_1919

The spring’s coming. It’s felt in the air :).

The beautiful weather allowed people to sit on the ground in the parks, enjoy walking by sun, having coffees at open and enjoy the sun and fresh air.

My friend from Pretoria and me decided to visit the famous Maurer Park, having a slow and relaxed day. So, we’ve been walking a lot, eating and drinking outside, Since he is a philosopher, there was a lot of interesting talks and a kind of contemplative discussions. Also, one of his mother tongs is German, so we’ve been speaking it (actually I am not self confident in my German yet, so I’ve just said couple of sentences and listened to his perfect German with no Afrikaans pronunciation, with pleasure:).

The day was fully well packed: sunny & warm day, good friend, sightseeing and – I’ve been practicing German on the fly. Wenn wir zusammen Deutsch lernen, werden wir auch auf Deutsch sprechen!

IMG_1933Iv in MaurerparkIMG_1922IMG_1934