Daily Archives: 3. September 2015

Erster Stammtisch im September

Liebe Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen,

nächste Woche findet wieder unser Stammtisch statt.

WANN: Am 10. September um 20 Uhr

WO: In der Cocktailbörse KNUTSCHFLECK, am Alexanderplatz in der Alexanderstraße 3, 10179 Berlin

WAS: Ein Abend mit Shows und Revuen, Ballett-Performances, Kultur, leckeren Berliner Speisen und Getränken. Freu(n)de inklusive!

Kommt alle vorbei, wir freuen uns schon auf euch!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team



Free online German course by DeutschAkademie!

Day 9

One advantage to study in DeutschAkademie is they provide me with online learning tool such as free online German course. Through the platform I can practice my German by doing free exercises based on my level or by choosing particular grammar topic. These online exercises if complemented with normal daily classes are really a good way to improve my understanding on German language. While some free site such as Duolingo also provide free language learning, but I found DeutschAkademie’s version is much more challenging, much more varieties of topics to choose from and the vocabularies used in each sentences are more wide-range. After each exercise, there will be a statistic of my last 30 days solved exercises and from there I can track my performance. Since I am quite a beginner in German, most of the time I would practice my basics in adjective and adverb to strengthen my vocabularies.