Monthly Archives: September 2015

German Federal Chancellery Building.

day 10

After couple of weeks in Berlin, one place which always gives me a sense of awe is the German Federal Chancellery building. It is a building of federal agency serving the executive office of the Chancellor. While the original building was built circa 19th centuries, the new modern version of the building was completed in the year 2001. The magnificent architecture and its colossal size crossing the river somehow made it one of its kinds. Whenever I walk pass through the building I will at least take a moment to take a good view of its grand design. To make it even more dramatic, a lot of sightseeing boats passed through the building under the bridge making the building a captivating sight to just sit and relax watching the scenery.

To add up, next to the German Federal Chancellery building is another mind-blowing architecture; the Reichstag. Full of history, it was also built in the 19th centuries. Since then, it went through ups and downs of being damage in fire and World War 2. Not until German reunification in 1990 the building was refurbished to its current state by world famous architect Norman Foster. Now it is the building of the German parliament.

Erster Stammtisch im September

Liebe Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen,

nächste Woche findet wieder unser Stammtisch statt.

WANN: Am 10. September um 20 Uhr

WO: In der Cocktailbörse KNUTSCHFLECK, am Alexanderplatz in der Alexanderstraße 3, 10179 Berlin

WAS: Ein Abend mit Shows und Revuen, Ballett-Performances, Kultur, leckeren Berliner Speisen und Getränken. Freu(n)de inklusive!

Kommt alle vorbei, wir freuen uns schon auf euch!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team



Free online German course by DeutschAkademie!

Day 9

One advantage to study in DeutschAkademie is they provide me with online learning tool such as free online German course. Through the platform I can practice my German by doing free exercises based on my level or by choosing particular grammar topic. These online exercises if complemented with normal daily classes are really a good way to improve my understanding on German language. While some free site such as Duolingo also provide free language learning, but I found DeutschAkademie’s version is much more challenging, much more varieties of topics to choose from and the vocabularies used in each sentences are more wide-range. After each exercise, there will be a statistic of my last 30 days solved exercises and from there I can track my performance. Since I am quite a beginner in German, most of the time I would practice my basics in adjective and adverb to strengthen my vocabularies.

Great way to relax!


I’m in my mid 20’s now and I believe the secret to longevity and healthy living is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. So that is why I spent a lot of my evening doing sports and exercise. In my area where I live, there is a long stretch of path for jogging along the river. 10 minutes away, there is a public park with facilities for work-out. So what I regularly do is to jog from home to the park and do some work out and then walk back home. Thanks to the weather in summer, I could do this routine almost every day and save some money to not pay a membership in a gym. Unfortunately this has to stop in winter.

Since I’m rather new in Berlin, I’m still looking for a partner to play squash and maybe join a group to play football in the future. I realized there are also several public table tennis tables in parks everywhere. I think I would try that too. Yes why not? ;-)

Kulturprogramm im September

Liebe Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen,

am 3. Oktober 1990 wurde Deutschland wieder vereint. Seit 25 Jahren wird dies als Tag der Deutschen Einheit gefeiert.

Der Tag der Vereinigung von West-Deutschland (BRD) und Ostdeutschland (DDR).

Doch was bedeutete es, in der Zeit der DDR ein angeblicher Landesverräter zu sein?

Diesen und anderen Fragen gehen wir beim Kulturprogramm nach. Wir besichtigen die Gedenkstätte Berlin Hohenschönhausen, ein ehemaliges Stasi-Gefängnis

Mehr Informationen erhaltet ihr im Büro oder auf dem Flyer!

Liebe Grüße

Euer DeutschAkademie Team
