Yearly Archives: 2015

Unser Kulturprogramm im Juli

Liebe Teilnehmer!
Am 17. Juli möchten wir mit euch eine sportlich-spaßige Erkundungstour durch Berlin machen.  Zusammen mit unserem Lehrer David machen wir eine Fahrradtour entlang des Mauerweges.(ACHTUNG DIESE TOUR IST BEREITS AUSGEBUCHT, ES GIBT EINEN ZWEITEN TERMIN)

Ein Fahrrad muss man sich selber mitbringen! Wer keins hat, kann sich bei Fat tire bike rental (Panoramastr. 1 a, 10178 Berlin) gern ein Bike leihen.

Dieses sollte man sich vorher dort reservieren! Durch den QR Code auf Plakat und Flyer kann man direkt zu deren Website gelangen.

Los geht es 12:45 Uhr, Treffpunkt ist der o.g. Fahrradladen Fat tire bike rental (Panoramastr. 1 a, 10178 Berlin), direkt neben dem Fernsehturm.

Wir würden die Tour am Eingang des Mauerparks enden lassen. Dort kann gerne noch etwas zusammen getrunken werden. Bitte denkt daran  für Zwischendurch Trinken und Essen selber mitzubringen.

Es gibt nur 15 freie Plätze, also meldet euch schnell im Büro an!

Liebe Grüße

Euer DeutschAkademie Team


Neue unterricht am Alexanderplatz

Today I started my next level but to be honest after days of sun and heat I got cold and only today I went out of bed to participate in my first class. I have new really nice teacher whose name is the same as mine – Katja and class full of Italians and Egyptians. Everybody seems to be really focus on hard studying from the first minute. Today after we presented ourself and our colleagues we started with grammar. And again I felt a bit lost but everyday I can feel it that I can say more and more even if it’s in broken German so it’s such a wonderful feeling to be able to step by step feelin new language. I wish that all of you great new classes and a lot of persistence.


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Berliner style Sunday Brunch

Today I had with my friends amazing breakfast in Prenzlauer Berg where you can find many nice small cafes and restaurants which serve typical breakfast plates. I chose cheese plate which include variety of delicious cheeses, some nicely cut fruits, salad and different kind of fresh bread. Every table in the cafe was occupied. We tried to sit outside but finally we moved inside. The old buildings keep cool inside and today it was really needed. I strongly recommend all of you weekend walk in Prenzlauer Berg and having Berlin style breakfast!

Here you are picture of the sky before the storm.

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Looking for some shadow

This weekend probably will be the most hot this summer. Yesterday I was all day out and everywhere it was full of happy people. In parks families were having picnics (I really recommend Tiergarten with many hidden beautiful spots) or having sun or just like me sitting and reading in the shadow. Then at night the city kept busy. It looked like nobody could stay at home. I was walking with my friends in Kreuzberg along the canals. I wished to swim but I was told that the water is really dirty. This days I want to explore lakes around the city. The water must be wonderful in Wiessensee for example. Have a look at my cat looking in our staircase for some fresh air to breathe!


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Today when I wanted to breathe properly for a moment I decided to escape from open air (it was around 40 degrees Celsius) to… shopping center where i wished to get some air conditioned air.
I was totally right – in Potsdamer Platz shopping center was crowded not because of sales but of great fresh air. But it’s not a point – being there I discovered amazing and what is important for free exhibition about the wall and divided Berlin between Russians and Americans. I strongly recommend to all of you visiting this exhibition which will be opened till the 2nd of October.

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Sehr sonnig…

So finally Berlin got summer, tropical weather. Everybody tries to spend as much as possible time outside. So today I was taken to wonderful cafeteria on the top of Karstadt Kudamm near Wittenbergplatz Deutsche Akademie division. We had some nice vegetarian salads and chops. We even could go outside to eat our meal with an amazing view – on Bikini shopping center, two churches, some abandoned house and much traffic on the street. It’s really great to have a chance to visit places from where we can experience Berlin from new angle.


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Schlemmer- und Kochabend bei der DeutschAkademie

Das DeutschAkademie Team traf sich letztens in der Kochbar Berlin für einen wunderbaren Kochevent! In Kleingruppen wurden wir auf die Probe gestellt und bereiteten verschiedene Gänge zusammen vor. Als Vorspeise gab es ein Champignon-Carpaccio mit frittierten Wildkräutern, als Hauptspeise Schweinefiletmedaillons mit Kräuterkruste und als vegetarische Variante Gefüllte Zucchini mit Champignon-Ziegenfrischkäse-Farce an Kartoffelrisotto. Der krönende Abschluss war unser leckeres Dessert: Basilikum-Tiramisu mit Erdbeerragout. Für uns als Team war diese Veranstaltung eine schöne Erfahrung, da wir uns auch gegenseitig in einem anderen Ambiente besser kennen lernen konnten und zusammen ein wirklich tolles Menü genossen haben! Wir haben wertvolle Tipps von den Meisterköchen mit auf dem Weg bekommen und diese Erfahrung hat unser Team noch mehr zusammengeschweißt! Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf das nächste Zusammentreffen!


Die letzten Deutsch Lektion

I was in the middle of preparing my homework when I realised that today… it’s last day of classes! But for many of us, including myself, we are back to next level already from Monday! So no summer break, no vacation till we learn enough ☺ I have so many new words to learn, verbs to be used in the correct way and many many things to be discovered like German words which have the same mining in my language – Polish, like: ‘’Dach’’ (siling), ‘’Pech” (bad luck) ora many many more. I wish you learned as much as me and everyday you will improve your German communications skills.
Viel Glück für alles! Und viel danke Nadine :)


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Unser erster Stammtisch im Juli

Liebe Teilnehmer,

nicht vergessen: nächste Woche Donnerstag (09.07.2015) findet um 20 Uhr wieder unser Stammtisch statt.

Wir hoffen, viele von euch dort zu sehen!

Alle Informationen findet ihr auf dem Flyer.

Wir freuen uns schon!

Liebe Grüße

Euer DeutschAkademie Team



Schöne Sommer in der Stadt

Finally we have a beautiful summer in Berlin. This city offers so much especially when everybody wants to spend as much time as possible outside. Last weekend I was surprised by pride parade and 48 hours of art Festival in Neukolln but for this week I will be going around to visit beautiful green and full of wild animals Berlin parks. I wish to have a picnic and soon I want to go outside the city to swim in one of the famous lakes. The weekend will be really hot so I wish everybody will be having so much fun in the open, warm air.
