Yearly Archives: 2015

Too much grammar

Finally today in our afternoon class some Sun rays made us smiling but in fact we faced too much grammar as you can see on faces of my classmates. We already know how to say that something is happening, something has happened or was happening. We can order things but still we are confused about numbers which they mix up when our teacher tell us which page to turn! I can deeply feel that I learn so many new words and grammar structures that I get a bit lost. One day German seems easy but another I discover new rules and new complicated exceptions!



Liebe Teilnehmer,

das war wieder ein lustiger und geselliger Abend mit euch beim Stammtisch in Berlin! Vielen Dank dafür. Wir hoffen ihr hattet genauso viel Spaß wie wir!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Eduardo, Shigematsu und Leonardo, den Gewinnern unseres Quiz’!

Anbei findet ihr die Bilder!
Liebe Grüße euer DeutschAkademie Team Berlin


Mainen Kolegien aus Deutsch Kurs

In my group we are nine students. Everybody comes from different country and has different background. There is girls from England, Italy, France, Thailand and a bit older woman from Mexico. There are three colleagues from Ireland, Hungary and older man from China. Some of the students came to learn language and some of them already work and live here and still do not know enough German to feel comfortable in Berlin. But all of us, as much as we learn as much complicated and challenging we find German. Now finishing the third week of classes we feel like real friends during three hours which pass too fast…


Grammatikkurs im Juli

Liebe Teilnehmer,

hier kommt eine kleine Erinnerung bezüglich der nächsten Grammatikkurse.

Unsere Grammatikkurse decken sämtliche Gebiete der deutschen Grammatik ab.

Diese Kurse finden vom 06.07.2015 – 29.07.2015 Montag und Mittwoch immer von 18 Uhr bis 21 Uhr in der DeutschAkademie am Wittenbergplatz und Alexanderplatz statt. Der Kurs kostet 112,50 €.

Alle Schüler, die bereits B1 abgeschlossen haben, können sich sehr gern noch anmelden!

Kommt gern ins Büro für die Anmeldung. Wir freuen uns auf euch!!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team

Liebe Teilnehmer,

unser Kulturprogramm im Juni führte uns in die Gärten der Welt. Wir hatten wieder eine schöne Zeit und ein paar Sonnenstrahlen haben wir auch abbekommen.

Ein gelungener Ausflug!

Bis zum nächsten Kulturprogramm.

Viel Spaß mit den Bildern.

Liebe Grüße

Euer DeutschAkademie Team


Warten auf Sonne

It’s almost July and the Sun over Berlin is not appearing. Besides being desperate about it we can more and more concentrate on learning German J Still, I bearly can say something in German but at least I can see that I have already started constructing ‘’broken sentences’’ what gives me more and more confidence. Coming back to weather forecast, we are having ahead plenty of time for studying! This year summer will be late and we will be able to warm in its rays not in the next days but… hopefully weeks!



Wild animals

I thought that there were only rumors about famous rabbits which lived by the wall and now are all around the city but near my home I can see them almost every day enjoying the sun and eating juicy grass. Some time ago at night I crossed the street and when I got to the sidewalk I saw there – for a first time in my life – real hedgehog! On Friday I had chance to see real city foxes. Some of my friends told me about falcons living in Berlin too but so far I haven’t seen them. I can’t wait to discover more wild animals in the city. Berlin surprises me everyday.



Am Freitags lernen Sie zu Hause

So this rainy Friday I decided to study on my own. Well, after two weeks of curse I have so much to learn again and check if I understood and learnt enough. Finally I know how to say that I have
a headache (yes this famous ‘’Kopfschmerzen”) or what I would do if I win 100 thousand Euro (‘’Wenn ich gewinne hundert tausend Euro gehe ich auf eine Reise um die Welt’’). Thanks to my great classmates I learnt not only German but many useful natural headache or flue (‘’Gripe’’) treatments used in house holds in Mexico, Thailand, China or France. And of course everyone had
a great dream about winning money like buying small islands, houses or horses!


Half of the course

Today it was the last day of this week’s classes and the half of the course already passed. I have this feeling that is was much faster than I supposed. Finally my group is getting better and better. We interchange some very interesting information about places where we come from. We speak in our broken German about our experiences in Berlin. Tomorrow I will miss my everyday class so I guess I will have to study on my own. Finally I started speaking this week! I started believing that even I can do it. Of course who want to talk to me needs a lot of time – I am a very slowly speaking person when I talk in German. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende!



Zünftiger Stammtisch in Berlin

Liebe Teilnehmer,

bitte vergesst nicht: nächste Woche Mittwoch findet ab 20 Uhr wieder unser Stammtisch statt.

Diesmal gehen wir ins Hofbräuhaus am Alexanderplatz. Dort könnt ihr euch auf einen zünftigen Abend freuen.

Ich wisst nicht, was „zünftig“ bedeutet? Na dann kommt einfach hin und lasst euch überraschen!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Alle Infos gibt es hier:
