To do additional A2.3/B1.3 course or not to do?

Hello zusammen!
The B1 level is a grammar level, and you have to understand and remember a lot of new grammatical constructions. Your language will become more various and alive. Und es freut mich sehr. Now I am at the B1.1 level and it is only a half of all B1 grammar. So now I know about:
sowohl..als auch
Adjektive als Nomen
Indirekte Fragen
Temporale Nebensätze mit wenn und als
Futur I
Konjunktion falls
Konjunktionen obwohl, trozdem
and etc.
It is not the only difficulty at the B1.1 level, there are a lot of new words and they are not so easy as Tisch or Stuhl. At this level, you start to create your own professional vocabulary. You will be capable of talking about some work moments and it’s very useful because at B1 a lot of students start working. Some important words for work:
Vollzeit – Teilzeit
brutto – netto
Grußformel und Unterschrift
IMG_5551Our teacher advises us to buy one grammar book and it is really helpful. There are a lot of pictures with explanations and grammar rules and at the same pages, you could find exercises. At this time, you should spend a lot of time at your homework. At intensive courses every day you have a new unit and a new grammar structure, so you don’t have a lot of time to repeat and practice because you have to go forward.
And that’s why I decided to do the B1.3 course before B2. I think it will be a necessary break for me and I could repeat everything and prepare myself to the next level.
If you feel that this tempo is too fast for you and you need a break, there are two variants: to make a real break or to do an additional course. You should every month analyse the situation and face it because it makes no sense to be at C1 or B2.2 level and make mistakes in articles or cases. The A2 and B1 levels are as a foundation of a house, if it is not strong enough, your house will be ruined.

Good luck!