~ Der Zweite: Stammtisch! ~

Hallo zusammen!

SO! Last Thursday was the first Stammtisch of February! A whole bunch of people from both Deutsch Akademie locations met at Cancun, a Mexican restaurant/bar in Alexanderplatz. Let me just say, it was great and turned out way better than I had hoped! Deutsch Akademie reserved a private sections with many tables in the back for everyone to sit and mingle.

First, when I got there (a bit early I must say), they had us write our names and Course Level on a sticker to place on our shirts so we automatically know what to call each other and then could skip the dreaded question of, „Wie schreibt deinen Name?“ when trying to find each other on Facebook at the end of the night. This especially made it easier to start a conversation with new people, when the restaurant started filling up. And fill up it did! Every seat was taken, and then some, causing some late-comers to have to grab a chair from an empty table from another part of the restaurant. Incredibly enough, once everyone made it, we were all able to squeeze in together (although we probably looked like a pack of sardines)! 

About an hour into the Stammtisch, the D.A (Deutsch Akademie) team gave each group a fun little exercise to help keep the conversations rolling. The exercise allowed us to work and laugh together, trying to figure out which answer was correct. Unfortunately we couldn’t figure out the middle picture in the bottom row, but then again, did anybody? Apparently somebody guessed correctly, because one team even won a prize!

We couldn’t figure out that last one!

Probably one of the best parts about Thursday night at Cancun was the meal! The menu had countless drinks and Mexican dishes, from chips and salsa, all the way to enchiladas (which someone at my table ordered)!

Enchiladas with a side of rice. You can’t forget that guacamole!

To see more photos from Thursday’s awesome Stammtisch, check out Deutsch Akademie’s last Blog post. Bis bald!

– Milan ☼