Daily Archives: 28. April 2021


Dania, 28th April 2021

We, as students at DeutschAkademie Berlin, are on a holiday break for some days over Eastern. I’m enjoying the time while studying outdoors now that the temperature gets warmer. I’ve just finished the B1.1 German course, and I´m very excited about it.

I am taking a moment to reflect on the past few months, right after studying German in the intensive modality continuously for six months, where I attended online classes for three hours from Monday to Thursday. I am very proud that I have kept the discipline of showing up every day motivated to learn, do homework, and proud too of what I have achieved.

A big part of the success of these months is because of the German teacher I had. She is amazing. She has excellent skills and knows very well how to teach an online class. She was caring, patient, and enthusiastic, always keeping everyone practicing and involved. We were constantly speaking, interacting, and learning so much. I enjoyed every minute of it. It has been such a rich experience!

Each class was dynamic, and we could see how our fluency was improving daily. We were always active and excited to talk while celebrating big and small steps. We are midway in the range of courses from the curriculum, in the well-known „Mittelstufe“, and I’m so looking forward to continuing to build on my German.

DaniaPeru – Viajera por el Mundo

IG: @dania_peru