Zehn: Grunewald

Hallo Leute!
It’s me again, back with another recommendation for you about our favourite city, Berlin! Living in Berlin these last few months has been absolutely incredible and I have been able to learn and do so much! The only thing I missed was varying Landschaften. You see when I was living in California, varying Landschaften were all around me. Depending on which part of California you’re in, one can visit der Ozean, die Bergen, und der Wald all in one day! Now, unfortunately here in Berlin, were missing two out of those three! But luckily, we have Wald! Grunewald!

Now if you’re going to directly translate this word Grunewald to Englisch, you get, literally „Green Forest“, which seems a little redundant doesn’t it lol? Grunewald is in the Southwest area of Berlin, very easily reachable with the S7. Grunewald is quite large, the largest green area in Berlin, sizing up to around 30 square kilometres. One can spend hours there! One can take a hike up to the manmade hill and radar station Teufelsberg (literally meaning Devil’s Mountain), walk around the hidden trails of the forest, or even just find a patch of grass and have a picnic. I should warn you though, tics lurk in the shadows and bushes of Grunewald so please prepare accordingly! Wear boots with pants tucked in and/or long socks! Take some snacks and a nice big bottle of water (especially on the rare, hot, sunny days), and a large bug spray!

The beginning of a trail!

The other day I actually took a trip to Grunewald and was able to see all that it has to offer. I wandered the trails and eventually hiked my way up to Teufelsberg, from which I had a lovely Panorama of the city below. It actually didn’t take as long as expected, but it still took a few hours. Now as with most of the places I tell you about, I highly recommend you take a day trip to Grunewald and see what it has to offer.
Until then, bis bald!

Unter den Bäumen

A cute little birdsnest I happened upon.

Look how high up we are !!

-Milan :-)