What motivates me to learn German?

Hello people! How are you today?
Well today I am going to scribe in English because Im a little busy! Today a friend is coming from England and in a little while Im going to pick her up at the airport! Im so excited because she was in my High School classroom when i was in Mexico, so it is so nice to meet her here!

Well, going back to the today’s theme:

What motivates me to learn German everyday?
That is so simple, everyday when I’m going to school in the train or walking on the street I could understand more than the day before and that really motivastes me, because that it’s prove that I’m learning and everyday when I arrive home I really want to learn more vocubulary, grammar, write in the blog (because that REALLY helps!). Don’t get mad with yourself if the first month you can’t understand anything, just wait a little while and you will start to listen things you have heard in class. I tell you this because that’s what happened to me, the first month I though that I could already talk like a German, but I realized that it takes a lot to comunicate.

The first day you will search all the words in the dictionary and maybe it could be really hard, but don’t worry the teachers will be always there to help you. If you don’t understand anything ask them, they are really good explaining and they will make easier some of the most difficult things in german. Pay a lot of attencion the first levels because it is the basic of this language.

