The transition from somewhat warm Munich to cold Hamburg was difficult. I could only spend 2-3 hours at a time before stopping at a cafe for a warm drink. After having already been in several major cities in Germany, in Hamburg I automatically started looking around to see where the Rathause was. It was spectacular, as many of them are. Another remarkable building which I saw was the brown-brick Chilehaus with curved walls meeting in the shape of a ship’s bow and staggered balconies that look like decks. I read that this building was designed by architect Fritz Hoger for a merchant who derived his wealth from trading with Chilie.Hamburg has the biggest port in Europe which has turned into a city, Hafencity. The largest inner-city urban development takes place in Hafencity. I took an hour and a half long boat tour to get a better picture of it. It was absolutely amazing to see how a long, abandoned areal of over 130 hectars is turning into a real city with restaurants, shops, apartment buildings and offices. In the next 20 years they will also build a university and a few schools there. The former warehouse is currently being transformed into Elbe Philharmonic Hall. The tour was in German and it wasn’t easy to understand. However, looking out of the boat windows was the equivalent of having a power point presentation in English.Hamburg is one of the cities that I wish to revisit in warm weather.A few photos of Hafencity.