Author Archives: Maiju

So dass, also, deshalb…

Lately at the course we have learned different ways of forming sentences. It is actually quite amazing how you can express the same thing in so many ways. Our teacher used the following sentence as an example:

Ich habe den Bus verpasst, so dass ich zu spät kam.
Ich habe den Bus verpasst. Deshalb kam ich zu spät.
Ich habe den Bus verpasst. Deswegen kam ich zu spät.
Ich habe den Bus verpasst. Also kam ich zu spät.
Weil ich den Bus verpasst habe, kam ich zu spät.

I think the list would go on forever :D But it’s nice to have variation and learn new ways to say things. I desided to add here a photo closely related to my everydaylife. It is nice to do your homework while sipping warm tea (especially now when it is so cold and dark outside). Pay attention to my cute Moomin mug ;)
