Author Archives: Vanda Csapo


If you are visiting Berlin, I would suggest you to pick a day and visit Potsdam. It is in zone C of Berlin and you can easily take the S-Bahn to reach the place. It is a very beautiful, peaceful and historic area with a lot of stories and heritage. You can go on a free tour with a guide who tells you a lot of interesting historical facts. The area has a small center with a shopping street filled with shops and cafes. There is a huge park with a nice lake, which is a great place for pick nick, or running. On the picture you can see the summer palace, which is not that attractive during the winter, since the garden is empty. But as far as I heard during the summer everything is green and beautiful.

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Fleamarket Tiergarten

If you are looking for beautiful and old objects, you should visit the antique market next to Tiergarten. It is a pretty big market with a huge variety of old goodies: plates, furniture, toys, CDs, accessories etc. You can find pretty much everything. My favorite was a gorgeous telephone. It looked like the ones that you normally see in movies that play during the war times. Unfortunately, the battery of my phone died when I wanted to take a picture, so I could not capture it. But I attached an image from Google maps, so you can find it easily :) The address is Str. des 17. Juni 110 – 114, 10589 Berlin.

Charlottenburg Palace

I am a lucky one to live very close to the beautiful Charlottenburg Schloss. This palace is the biggest palace in Berlin, and located in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. It was built in the 17t century for Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III. During the Second World War it was badly damaged, but they managed to recover its old state. Currently there are some constructions happening on the outside. During the Christmas period there is an amazing Christmas market in front of the palace. It is pretty big and very traditional. This is a very nice palace to visit, if you are in Berlin.

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Bakery tip

Looking for a nice place to have breakfast, brunch or just simply some sweet to take away? You can have it all in Thoben :)  It is a bakery chain here in Berlin and its surroundings. It is very cheap and yummy. You have a great selection of pastries, sandwiches, bread etc. I just have one around the corner from my house, and well I am a regular customer there :) Probably, I should get a loyalty card haha Today I took the delicious Käsekuchen and an Apple cake. Guten Appetit!


Markthalle 9

Last Thursday I felt very hungry after work, and we decided with a college that we would visit Markthalle 9. Every Thursday you can get amazing street food there – all home made! It is quite big and normally packed. It is quite difficult to get a spot to sit, but not impossible ;) On Sundays the market welcomes its visitors for brunch during the whole morning and early afternoon. I would highly recommend this great pace to everyone, I had such a nice dinner – I was rolling afterwards :)  It is about 5 minutes walk from U1 Schlesisches tor. It is a covered market, so bad weather condition is no excuse not to visit Markthalle 9.

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Lovely weather on the riverbank

Yesterday we had an amazing weather in Berlin! During my lunch break I sat in front of the riverbank on some benches behind the office of Universal Music. They have a very nice cafeteria, and plenty of sitting places facing the sun. It is absolutely wind free, the perfect place to sunbath. If you are around the Warschauer Strasse and keen on a coffee, definitely visit the cafeteria of Universal Music and check out its terrace. :)

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Design Hotels ™

I am working for an international hotel marketing company here in Berlin, called Design Hotels . The copany has more than 300 hotels in its portfolio offering them marketing and other consultancy activities. Its headquarters are here in Berlin, in Mitte. My company participated in this year’s ITB – as they do every year. During the trade show the participating companies build up a stand. On the picture you can see the stand of Design Hotels . It was very cool and stylish, as you can see. They launched their new brand campaign, called Original Experiences. Have a sneak peek on the following link, if you are interested:


ITB Travel Fare

Between the 9th and the 13th of March the world’s biggest international travel trade fare took place at Messe Berlin. (You can see Messe Berlin on the picture from the outside.) The building itself has around 26 exhibition halls, and all were reserved for ITB. Hotels, hotel chains, airplane companies, software companies etc. participated in the 5-day fare. I participated with my company at the fare, and it was an amazing experience. It is organized every year here in Berlin. You can find everybody important from the hospitality industry. If you have the chance and you want to get to know fabulous travel destinations, visit the fare next year. Make sure that you get a map before, because the building is huge, you can easily get confused :)

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New Deli Yoga Berlin

Up for lunch? Are you vegan? This is the place you should definitely try out!

New Deli Yoga in Mitte is a great place to eat healthy and fresh food for lunch / early dinner. They serve vegetarian and vegan dishes. The atmosphere is very hipster as well as cozy. As you can see on the black board they states the following:

‘Chill the fuck out, our food takes longer but it’s worth the wait, mate.’ And yes, indeed the service is a bit slow there and you do need to wait a bit to get your food, so you should visit this place when you are not in a hurry J But the wait is definitely worth, you will get really nice food – probably that is why it takes a bit longer ;) You don’t need any reservation; you can always get a seat. Important note: cash only!


A wonderful Saturday afternoon in Tiergarten

Last Saturday I felt like getting out of the crowd and have some relaxed walking in a calm place. Therefore, I visited Tiergarden for the first time since I have been in Berlin. It is just such a great park! You get off the S-Bahn and what you hear first is cars, motorbikes and business. Nearly unbelievable that you only need to walk a couple of minutes and that horrible city noise is simply gone! You will arrive to a place where the ducks give the loudest noise. You can bring a book and just sit on a bench and relax – alone of with some company. During the summer you can rent a boat and explore the lake that is located in the park. Restaurants and cafes welcome you to get a drink in case you become thirsty :). It is definitely a place for the weekend and for those who really want to escape from the busy environment. On Saturdays you can enjoy an antique market right next to the park with full of old-school stuff from the past. I loved it!

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