Author Archives: Vasili Bartsou

My first blog about everything

Greetings to everybody who is reading this blog! My name is Vasili and I am 29 years old. I came to Berlin from Moscow to participate in the Master’s Double Degree Program in Strategic Management of Logistics in bbw Hochschule. All people in Belarus and Russia have heard a lot about Germany since their childhood, these countries have very tied historical connection. So it was really amazing to discover this country for my own. And know what? We don’t know a lot of interesting about Germany.

For my study Germany is one of the most relevant countries, because it is really famous for applying the Green Logistics and the Green Energy, this country actively uses Public Private Partnership in Logistics Infrastructure Development and it’s seems like an advanced approaches for this sphere. Honestly speaking, German is famous for the best developed logistics in Europe, that’s why this educational program is so interesting for me! Also this time abroad is really helpful for enriching my live experience, meet new people from different countries with different points of view, form different cultures.

And if you ask me: “What is most useful for living abroad?” I could easily answer you that it is local language. This is not only a tool for communication, but it is also a part of a local culture. That’s why currently I am learning German in DeutschAkademie! At the moment I am getting A2.2 level and as you may already understood that’s only begging of long and interesting way. To be familiar with this German is one of my most important goals for next year.

For last couple of years several times I thought about blogging and now, finely, I have enough time and opportunity to make it!  For last 5 month I have already visited not only different cities in Germany, but different countries also. In my blog I will share with audience an information about interesting places in different cities, about amazing logistics stuff and of course about network making here, in Germany.

Hope this will be interesting and helpful for everybody!

