Category Archives: Allgemein

Kulturprogramm im Juni

Liebe Teilnehmer,
das letzte Kulturprogramm am Freitag ging unter die Haut. Während unserer zweistündigen Führung durch die Gedenkstätte Sachsenhausen haben wir viele interessante und vor allem emotionale Eindrücke über diesen Abschnitt der deutschen Geschichte gewonnen. Wir haben Einiges über das Konzentrationslager in Sachsenhausen gelernt – vom Aufbau bis zur Befreiung und Auflösung des Lagers am 22. April 1945 durch die sowjetischen und britischen Offiziere.
Vielen Dank für euer zahlreiches Erscheinen.
Euer DeutschAkademie Team

Fotos vom 1. Stammtisch im Juni

Liebe Teilnehmer,

am gestrigen Abend hatten wir unseren ersten Stammtisch im Juni. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Schülern, die uns Gesellschaft geleistet haben und mit denen wir gestern im Höfbrauhaus, den Tag, in gemütlich, lustiger Runde ausklingen lassen haben. Viel Spaß mit den Fotos und wir sehen uns das nächste Mal am 22. Juni!

Euer DeutschAkademie Team


Farewell letter

Today is high time to finish my blog and to say goodbye! I am really sure that someone even more exciting will take my place and will share all the important things he/she has!

I hope that you have found my articles helpful, interesting and, at least, not very boring :) I really tried to share with you some ideas which you may use during your stay in Berlin and just some experience from my life!

In the end I would like to wish you to take your time in Berlin and to take everything from your life!

Use your chance to travel throughout Europe! Now you have a great opportunity and very useful facilities for that, for example, advanced European transport infrastructure and Airbnb accommodation. Visit other European countries (France, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, etc) also!

Do try to use your stay to learn German! It is really crucial to know this language to survive in Berlin J That goal still remains as one of the most important for me as well. And the reason for that is the following: the German language may help you with better understanding of the German culture and with finding new friends in Berlin (as well as all over German, Austria and Switzerland). Moreover, during learning German at DeutschAkademie you may find new friends all over the world (for example, from Ecuador, Peru, the United Kingdom, Albania and so on)!

I know for sure that here you will gain lots of fun, great life-experience and new exciting impressions!

Good luck to everyone of you!



The Victory Day

On the 9th of May the Victory Day took place all over the world! It is a very important day in history of humankind due it is the sign of the II World War end. I felt very happy to be on this date in Berlin, in the city where everything was over!

In Russia we have an event on the Victory Day which is called “The Immortal Regiment” when a lot of people meet together in a particular place with portraits of their family members which participated in military actions of the II World War on the side of Soviet Union. People walk through the cities and carry these photos in memory of those who had fallen in battle thus creating real regiment of soldiers. This event is held all over Russia in different cities and, of course, mainly in Moscow. It gathers and unites thousands of people in such a big day!

How I was surprised when I knew that local government in Berlin allowed Russians to hold this event on the Victory Day! There were about 700 people going from the Brandenburg Gate through Tiergarten to the Soviet War Memorial, holding portraits of their family members, listening to the victory songs and placing flowers nearby this memorial! The Sun was shining and the atmosphere was really calm – everything was okay.

Soviet War Memorial on the 9th of May

Soviet War Memorial on the 9th of May

All of us should thank those who sacrificed their lives for this clear sky and for our bright future! Peace all over the world!

1. Stammtisch im Juni

Liebe Teilnehmer,

wir wünschen euch einen schönen ersten Kurstag und möchten euch gerne zu unserem Stammtisch am Donnerstag einladen! Wie gewohnt treffen wir uns in der ersten Kurswoche im Hofbräu in der Nähe der DeutschAkademie am Alexanderplatz. Wir freuen uns auf alle, die sich mit uns ab 20 Uhr auf nette Gespräche, leckeres Essen und typisch bayrisches Bier treffen möchten.

Euer DeutschAkademie TeamPoster_Stammtisch_Hofbräuhaus_1. KW Juni-page-001-1

Moscow Insight

Today I was thinking that I have already provided you with some tips about museums in Berlin, about different logistics excursions all over Germany. I guess, now it would be also useful if I give you few advices in case you want to visit Moscow.

Of course, you can google all the main sites in Moscow. I bet that you will find the following:

Park of Victory

Park of Victory

  • The Kremlin
  • Bolshoi Theatre
  • GUM Department Store
  • Moscow Metro
  • Park of Victory
  • Historical Museum, etc.

Undoubtedly, these sites are really gorgeous and mainly represent Russian culture but they are too common and full of tourists. There are some places in Moscow which are not less beautiful and so overcrowded.

First of all, it should be said that Moscow is really amazing itself and can be considered as entire site (especially in the central part of the city). It is always wonderful to walk at summer night in the centre of the city and feel its magic atmosphere! Here you can also find many cafes and bars of different formats and styles. Here are the main streets to walk through and to admire:

  • Tverskaya street
  • New Arbat
  • Old Arbat
  • The Boulevard Ring
  • Pyatnitskaya street, etc.

Secondly, I have my own favorite places in Moscow. They are:

Patriarshiye Ponds

Patriarshiye Ponds

  • Patriarshiye Ponds

Actually, it is only one pond in the centre of the city with white swans. This place is really famous due one of the Bulgakov’s novels starts from there!

  • Arkhangelskoye Palace

This estate is located around 20 kilometers from the city and it was built in the 18th-19th centuries. The Palace is facing the Moscow River and a regular terraced park which Is decorated with many antique statues.

These two places are really beautiful in any season but I like it most in summer when everything is colorful and trees are green!

Make. Believe with Sony

Once I had working experience in Sony Electronics Russia in logistics (which is a part of Sony Corporation), I totally fell in love with this company as it has really great history and everything about it arouses my curiosity. I find knowing facts about the company you work in very exciting because it makes you part of the whole corporation and brings better understanding of how it works in real life. That is why I have decided to share it with you.

Sony is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo and operated since May, 1946. The company was founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1946 as Telecommunications Engineering Corporation and only in 1958 it got its name. Masaru Ibuka was responsible for the technological part of business, Akio Morita – for the commercial part. Their cooperation became a fertile ground for the successful development of the company which has become famous not only for the production of electronics but also for the creating completely new technologies (for example, Compact Disk).

Sony comprises several business units and even several companies which deal with various business activities. Its structure looks like the following:

  • Electronics
    • Sony Corporation (incl. Audo, Photography and Videography, etc)
    • Mobile Communications
    • Interactive Entertainment
    • Creative Software
  • Electric vehicles and batteries
  • Entertainment
    • Pictures Entertainment
    • Music Entertainment
    • Music Publisghing
  • Financial Services

Well-known and recognizable Columbia Pictures, Tristar and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer are also Sony Companies.

The most exciting and amazing thing about this company (which makes itcompletely unique and highly comprehensive in the whole world) is the following: it may just take Brad Pitt to make an add, shoot this video with its own cameras, then burn a Blu-ray Disk with Sony equipment, after all watch this add on its own TVs :)


MINI. Not just a car

Due I am an owner of MINI car, I am a big fan of this brand and its products! Cars of this brand are not only really cool, nice and cozy, but they also have a deep and rich history since the year 1959. I have decided to share with you several interesting facts that you might enjoy! :)

Originally, the cars was built under two different brands at the British Motor Corporation which were the Austin and Morris names. MINI became a marquee in its own right in 1969. In the very beginning it was British brand but now BMW produces MINI cars. Despite this fact, they always are associated with Britain because of their roofs with flag.

The Classic MINI has been thought to be the most popular car ever built! It sold approximately 5.3 million units. Recently it was even voted Britain’s favorite car of all time! Moreover, in 1999 the brand was voted the second most influential car of the 20th century, behind the Ford Model T, and ahead of the the Volkswagen Beetle. Legendary automaker Enzo Ferrari (who started Ferrari, obviously) also had 3 MINIs in his garage.

MINI cars have a unique front wheel drive layout allowing four people to fit comfortably in relatively small space. Frankly speaking, I had an experience of driving my car with even six people inside the car but the world record is 66 people! It only looks small – this car can more than you think.

MINI cars (Cooper and Cooper S models) are very successful as rally cars, winning the Monte Carlo Rally several times.

The last but not the least, all four members of the biggest band in the history of universe – the Beatles – drove MINI coopers!

Me and my MINI <3

Me and my <3

World’s Airports Ratings

Yesterday I had a flight from Berlin to Moscow and, while I was waiting for the departure, I have decided to conduct a small investigation in airports ratings and to find out the most loved/hated ones and the reason for that. These ratings might be very useful for travelers :)

According to CNN, world’s most loved airports are:

10. Auckland Airport, Auckland, New Zealand

9. Montevideo Carrasco, Montevideo, Uruguay

8. Victoria International, Victoria, Canada

7. Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland

6. Tampa International, Tampa, United States

5. Ushuaia-Malvinas Argentinas International, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

4. Munich Airport, Munich, Germany

3. Seoul Incheon, Seoul, Korea

2. Singapore Changi, Singapore

1. Hong Kong International, Hong Kong, China

However, most #1 loved airport is the busiest freight airport in the world, it is one of the most accessible in operations today due to express services to/from downtown, remote check-ins for cargo carriers. Moreover, it has lounging, golfing, fine-dining, 4-D movie theater, etc. for travelers.

As for me, now it is really interesting to visit airport in Munich which is #4 and to discover it! :)

In contrast, here is the list of world’s most hated airports, according CNN research:

10. São Paulo-Guarulhos International, São Paulo, Brazil

9. Perth Airport, Perth, Australia

8. Tribhuvan International, Kathmandu, Nepal

7. John F. Kennedy International, New York, United States

6. Jomo Kenyatta International, Nairobi, Kenya

5. Ninoy Aquino International, Manila, Philippines

4. Toncontín International, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

3. London Heathrow, London, England

2. Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, United States

1. Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris, France

Surprisingly, the most hated airport is in Paris. The reasons for that are the following: grimy washrooms, broken scan machines, lack of signage and gate information screens, dismissive and indifferent staff and so on. CNN strongly does not recommend using it for transfer, only if you want to visit wonderful Paris!

If you are really interested in these researches, please, visit links provided and find much more interesting information!


We are happy at Moscow SVO