10. German Grammar

I feel like I am learning and improving everyday when I go to my german class at DeutschAkademie. I have learned so much new grammar! I have learned presence, perfekt, futur, plusquamperfekt, imperfekt, imperativ, and probably  more, I just can’t think of the names right now :) The most difficult think for me is knowing the difference between accusative and dative, since we don’t have this in the english language. For me it is a matter of memorizing the verbs, which can be a pain somtimes :P

Dative vs. Accusative:

Helfen (to help, dativ): Kannst du mir bitte helfen?

Danken (to thank, dativ): Ich danke dir!

Mögen (to like, akk): Magst du mich?

Einladen (to invite, akk): Ich lade dich ein.

It also helps to just speak German with the locals or watch German TV/movies, eventually you will get used to what verbs are used with accusative and which are dative. Eventually you will just be able to choose based on which sounds correct in your ear. That’s all for now,
