scheid Sheid SCHEID!

… Are you learning German and you are starting to connect words to each other? Are you SOMETIMES looking for a particular word and you feel you have it on the tip of your tongue? Are you SOMETIMES feeling LOST because you remember how that word roughly sounds but still you cannot properly recall it!?!?

That’s happening to me all the time with the -SCHEID words!

So here’s a brief compendium of the different -SCHEID words you can use:

unterscheiden – unterschied – hat unterschieden
to differentiate, to distinguish
der Unterschied = difference

entscheiden – entschied – hat entschieden
to decide
die Entscheidung = decision

scheiden – schied – hat geschieden
to divorce, to separate
z.B. sich scheiden lassen, geschieden sein
die Scheidung = divorce, separation

sich verabschieden (von + DAT) – verabschiedete – verabschiedet
to say goodbye
der Abscheid = the farewell, the goodbye

z.B. “Während diese Abschiedstrinker noch relativ nüchtern aussehen, haben andere wohl…” = While these Farewell-drinkers still appear relatively sober…

(Süddeutsche Zeitung on the S-Bahn Alcohol Party of last weekend)

Bis dann!
