Captain’s Log

Hi again,
I started my course a week ago and already I can conduct small talks with people on the street ,sales people and my wife’s family. The people in the course are very nice and come from a variety of countries: Spain, Romania, Norway, Taiwan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Croatia, and France. Its very interesting to see other people’s perspective of the life in Deutschland. From my perspective the life here are much more calm (naturally) and I believe that the calmness here allow people to be more creative and constructive.
Since the course is currently in progress we are diving deep in to the language Grammatik’s which is probably more complex than in other language. Personally I find it difficult to adjust to the fact that in many cases you have to shove all verbs at the end of the sentence so basically you have to wait for a person to finish his sentence to understand what he is trying to say.
Lastly I would like to state that the main difficulty for me is the weather, so attaching picture of the freezing cold near my house 
Viel Spass…