Our Progress!


Day 8:Class is still going well but at a super fast speed! We have covered everything from greeting, numbers, ordering at restaurants, conjugating verbs, and much more in only two weeks! We have also began, what I find extremely difficult…articles! We had a test today over that today and I am pretty worried about the outcome! It is just that, Nominativ and Akkusativ articles seem so weird to me and though I am sure this will become easier with time and practice, it is terribly hard right now. It is also new to me, that nouns have assigned genders. The easiest thing seems to learn the genders with the nouns. Once I know the gender, and understand and have learned all the rules and reasons to use Nominativ and Akkusativ articles, I think I will better get the hang of German. Before this is all over though, I am sure I will encounter many more confusing situations! But in the end, my goal is to speak German!