Don’t wait too long with taking your next German course!

September 15, 2009Class 1B, 6 to 9pm.In the earlier 1A class, reading passages and filling in the blanks was a piece of cake. I can’t say that anymore about 1B. Perhaps I waited too long (4 months) before I continued with the 1B class and I have forgotten a lot of things I learned in 1A, or it could be that I have a day job now and it does not leave me with a lot of time during the day to do my homework, revise things from the last lesson, etc. Plus, if everyone at home or at work are native English speakers, there is no opportunity to use German at all!One thing is definitely for sure: I am one of the weakest students in class. I must admit I am having difficulties with the vocabulary, and reading one simple passage could take at least an hour as I have to constantly refer to the dictionary and try to make head or tails out of the translated passage. Personally, I would suggest to anyone to not wait too long to take the next class, try reading tons of children books, and practice whenever you can!

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