Learning German in Munich

Class 1B, 6 to 9pmSeptember 28, 2009I think this is the third day in a row where half the class failed to show up. I know for sure one of them has been transferred to another class, and another is pregnant and is told she would be due in early October. I don’t know if they read this blog, but I’ll list the homework given to us today, just in case.Gr.: S. 14, section 17Kopien: S. 47AB: S. 148 B2, S. 147 A2Test am MittwochMaterials taught today: S. 131 to S. 134, revised wann and wenn, and practiced ordering in a restaurant.We got back our test from Thursday and just as expected, I did not get those questions which required knowledge of ‘der Genitiv’ correct. I don’t really have any incentive to memorize the gender since I’m only going to be in this country for another 8 months, but I just want to learn enough German to let me order my food or visit the country side. I am thinking maybe I will take a vocabulary course next instead of 2A and getting frustrated with the Grammatik again.