Warum Deutschland?

Hallo Leute

Ich glaube, dass viele Leute dich das Gleiche gefragt haben, warum bist du nach Deutschland gekommen? Oder warum lernst du Deutsch? Man muss diese Frage viele Male beantworten, wenn man in Deutschland leben möchte/ zu leben beginnt.

Ich werde dir diese zwei Fragen beantworten.
I always dreamed about going abroad and learning new things, that is really exciting for me! Five years ago I wanted the same, so I decided to move to United States to learn English properly. I was working as an Au Pair (nanny) and living with a north american family there, it was a great experience! And I got to improve my english.

When I went back to my country, Colombia, I decided I wanted to go abroad again, I wanted to see Europe this time.  I found out about the opportunities in Germany and the scholarships that the country offers, so I applied for this scholarship and I applied also to a University here in München.

Aber jetzt, warum lernst du Deutsch? Obwohl die Sprache von meinem Master ist English, bin ich in Deutschland oder?
So one must think about how important is to learn German in Germany: yes, very important! If you really want to experience German Culture and who knows, maybe get a good working opportunity here. Being able to speak German will make things easier for sure!

Now you know my reasons. What about yours?

Viele Grüße,
