Things I like about Germans!

Hallo zusammen!

Today I want to talk about the things I like about Germans and their culture:

They recycle a lot, which is fabulous, and they have so many fabric bags, even in supermarkets. In Spain it is starting to be trendy now among young people to use them, but not so oft when we do our groceries, its more as a bag for the uni or so.

The Pfand system is also so great! At the beginning I was a bit upset when I saw empty beer bottles by the trash o just anywhere. I thought to myself: how weird, when Germans are so tidy and clean… why would they do that? And then I learned it! And I find it such a cute gesture, to leave them for the people who needs the money more than they do.

I also like that they have so many Bio products and Bio supermarkets. In Spain I haven’t seen so many as hier, not at least in town like the one I come from. But even in little towns like Konstanz, there are lots and I think it’s so cool

I may talk about more aspects I like from Germans another time… there are so many!

Until then, have fun!
