Deutsch lernen ist keine Zeitverschwendung

I feel like throwing a party when all the grammar rules come to and ends! Regardless of the rules we are having a lot of fun in the class. We played a game where everyone writes “Ich Lieblingsstadt…, Ich Lieblingsrestaurant…” etc on a sheet of paper. The paper then gets mixed up and not given back to us, so we ended up with someone else’s sheet. We have to read the sheet as “Ihre Lieblingsstadt…” and guess who wrote it. We ended up knowing some new restaurants in Munich from this exercise :)

We learned the Dativ forms of personal pronomens and it was a little complicated. Each one of the nominativ forms has a distinct Dativ form and some are words!! Also, the words are eerily close in pronunciation, so it is equally confusing. I have to find a pneumonic to somehow remember this. Well I have the whole weekend to figure this out.

We kind of finished all the parts of speech (I think) but the distinction between Dativ and Akkusativ is not very clear to me but we will go over this in detail with examples next week. I will try to look at some examples during the weekend to get a better feel for it. Enjoy the weekend!