The story of vor, nach and für

It is getting a little clearer with the distinction between dativ and akkusativ. The dativ part of a sentence is basically the action which is not performed right now. Akkusative is more like the action you are directly referring to.

The questions like “with whom?” and “with which person?” are referred to as “mit wem?” and “mit welcher Person?”. Remembering to whom the sentence is referring to helps identify the nominative and hence figure out which his/her form can be used to replace it. For example,

Die Nachbarin von Herr Rahn, wohnt uber Herr Rahn.

Where the underlined nominative could be replaced by Seine Nachbarin.

A confusing word we learned is “absagen” which is a “trennbares verb” and used in a sentence like “Ich sage ab” (I cancel) which is similar to “Ich sage” but then it means “I say”!!The “ab” changes the meaning of the word completely so when you listen to a sentence you have to hear the whole sentence before jumping onto a conclusion. When you are reading its fine go back and look the previous words and find a fit but when you are listening I think this could be challenging.
