Celebrating Christopher Street Day

Last Saturday in Munich there was a grand celebration in the central area. It was the Christopher Street Day, an annual celebration for the rights of LGBT people throughout Europe. Together with my friends and thousands of other cheerful people, I watched the gay pride parade near Karlsplatz.

There were two special moments in this event that touched me. The first one was when the group of the police, the justice and the customs (die Polizei, die Justiz und der Zoll) showed up, and the other was the LGBT group from the refugees. They, among all the parades, have won the most applause. At that moment, it seemed that the governmental department was not that far away and “cold” but made of people just like any other human being around us. Also at that moment, we saw hope in human, even if wars are still happening in other parts of the world. Other than that, a lot of successful companies took part in this parade, making it even more influential.

It is quite nice to see such events taking place. They constantly remind us how long people from minority groups have struggled yet still kept on fighting for basic human rights.
