Vergiss die Hausaufgabe nicht

Haben and sein are a bit clearer now. It’s just easier to think about it in English and not worry about the German grammar rules 😊 Thanks to a classmate for the tip!

We learned Imperativ sentences (commands) with ihr and du. For du you only use the stem verb as the first word and for ihr you use the stem verb with a -t at the end like

Schlaf nicht so lange! (for du)
Schlaft nicht so lange! (for ihr)

This brought us to the household chores which everyone has to perform. From taking the garbage out to wiping the floor, you know the stuff which no one likes doing! What grinds my gear most though is when I have to use a vacuum cleaner which was not designed properly (Miss my Hoover windtunnel!). You go over this same piece of dirt 5 times and its still there. Might as well pick it up with your own hands at that point.

The class ended with a quick game of memorizing some of these household chores in 2 min and writing down as many as you can remember out of the 14 listed in the book. I could only remember 6 but got 4.5 due to spelling mistakes. Two of our classmates got 8 points which was the highest score as you can see in the picture!
