After that

Today is the second last day of B1.1. We all got talking over how fast time flies. I remember moving to Munich and it’s already been 6 months. Starting from A1.1 and wondering what’s happening in class to still wondering it =D but with bouts of clarity, it’s a huge mountain that I’ve been scaling. Now I’m  always looking up advertisements and billboards trying my best to see if I can figure it out and when I do, I do my own little victory dance =D. Let’s say it’s quite the sight. At least it’ll have you laughing and remember people who laugh more, live longer. I’m doing y’all a favor =D.

Moving on from all that musing. Today we happened to look into nachdem. Now nachdem is one of the many temporal conjugations. What they do is they let us know about the beginning, end or rather the length of a particular action. Nachdem helps us to know and understand that two events did not happen at the same time. Rather they happen one after the other where the event in the Hauptsatz happens after the event in the Nebensatz.

Zum beispeil- Nachdem Thomas sich die Zähne geputzt hat, geht er ins Bett.

So here we can see that Thomas went to bed after brushing his teeth and that the two actions happened one after the other. He went to bed AFTER he brushed his teeth. Quite easy peasy, isn’t it =D.

Bis bald.
