Last day of BI.1 and it was truly a bitter sweet moment. For me learning German has been a roller coaster ride. Sometimes it peaks really up and sometimes it goes real low but the point is it keeps moving and it does get over which is also how we should be looking at German. It’s scary and it does make you want to backtrack but it’s worth the ride and the exhilaration of being able to speak even if a little of a new language.

I personally have been looking forward to completing b1 so b1.1 is the first half of it. I just have the other half to tread forward to. For now, I’m going to be heading back home for a short break. To celebrate my personal milestone of completing b1.1. I got back home and sat done and crafted some cards. For those who don’t know me, I’m into food(big time =D) and into crafts especially handmade cards for nothing beats the beauty of seeing a handmade and crafted card gifted to you . To me it personally speaks volumes about how much you mean to the person that they’re willing to spend hours creating something for you to cherish.  Learning a new language can be quite similar to crafting a card. The finished product when I get done crafting a card is genuine happiness and satisfaction and the same applies when I complete each level of German language. It’s a step but worth your time and energy. I hope each and every one of you on this ‘learning German ‘journey remembers that when the going gets tough.

Wishing you all tonnes of luck to master this language.

Bis Bald,
