What builds you as a person in life are your experiences and this German class has opened a new paradigm in my life. I don’t know how these 2 months flew by. I had the wonderful opportunity to interact with so many interesting international people and make some new friends.

All the people came from very different works of life but the reason for learning German for the most of the people seemed to be the same, to have better job opportunities.
This was my reason as well.
I have to keep going till C1 for my German to descent enough for it to be useful for my job. I am glad we had Christine as our teacher and our substitute teachers were equally good. Shout out to DeutschAkademie for having such a great organization full of lovely people who are always willing to help and running things like a well-oiled machine.
I also thank DeutschAkademie for giving me this opportunity to write this blog. In our last class we discussed the answers for the exam that was held a day before. Of course, our class ended with a customary potluck where we enjoyed some of the delicious food.

Auf Wiedersehen!
