Arbeiten Sie nicht so viel!

In my last blog post, I praised about the German engineering. But one place it could really improve is the S Bahn. I feel like there are problems with this train everyday and coming from the class sometimes takes 4 times longer than usual!

We learned the names of all the body parts. Except for arm, hand, finger, knie and nase all are different words. Well Fuß should also be easy to remember from Fußball. These words were used in a conversation between a couple and a nun where the husband was sick. This led to the discussion of talking in direct and indirect. Direct conversation as the name suggests is when 1 person is directly talking to another. The verb is in the first place if the sentence ends with an exclamation similar to as when a question would be. During indirect conversation, 2 people talk about a third person and soll (should) takes the second spot and the verb takes the last spot in the sentence.

We also went over the different forms of pronouns when using mit and ohne in Dativ and Akkusativ in their respective gender. There is quite a few different forms of these to learn here and examples to go over.
