Hi,Today, I had my second exam in DeutschAkademie. The exam was consisted of a grammar and writing sort text on a particular subject(s). It was really nice to see how much I have learned in the past 3 weeks. The test was not tough and everyone did a good job on it. This shows that our teacher did a great job and we also paid attention during the course. To me, the easiest part was first question which had three situations and a table which we had to fill out. The table provided some clues but we had to read each situation and try to determine what to write where. On the other hand, the toughest was writing (correctly) our daily activity schedule. I could do much better if I concentrated a little more.
Test #2..
Favorite exercise…
Hi,I really enjoy the entire DeutschAkademie program, but I would say the most fun I have with dialogues. I really learn a lot during these exercises. Most of the require conversation between two people and it’s a great way to improve language skills.I really enjoy the course and I will definitely enroll into more levels because I learn a lot and improve my language skills. I am in level I, but I am thinking about the next level so. So far, I am pleased with my progress. All material is very helpful and I will keep all the books and exercises.
Mini Test…
Cao, Ovih dana ja i moja grupa smo imali prvi test (mini) u DeutschAkademie. Bilo je jako zanimljivo jer nije nam uciteljica govorila nista o mini testu, tako da nitko od nas nije se spremao, kao ni ja. Bilo je lijepo vidjeti gdje smo i koliko smo naucili do sada. Mini test je se sastojao od 6 vjezbi s po 10 do 15 pitanja. naravano, neke vjezbe su bile lakse a druge teze ali sve u svemu bilo je OK. Ja sam trudio se da sve odgovorim tacno i sho bolje uradim jer zelio sam da testiram se bas gdje sam i koliko znam. Uradio sam veoma dobro, sho me raduje jer to je znak da nisam proveo vrijeme na kuru bezveze. Posle testa svaku vjezbu zajedno smo presli s instruktorom i bilo je super. To je bila prilika da vidimo gdje sam grijesio i utvrdim vec znano. O rezultaatu nebih da govorim jer koliko poena sam dobio je zaista bilo u drugom planu. Prventsveno sam zelio da uradim sto bolje da znam za sebe.
So far my German…….
Hi, Looking back on the past two weeks, I really can say that I learned a lot in these 15 days that I am in DeutschAkademie. I know there is a long road a head of me to be able to have a descent conversations, but it is getting to me and I am ready for it! Since we are beginners, we are going over the light stuff and some basic stuff to be able to keep a light conversations. We learned a lot of basic phrases, words, and grammar and I was able to put it in use. Today, I encountered a interesting situation at one stores (shopping mall). as I was looking some clothing to purchase, I was approached by a lady which was looking to purchase something for her husband and since she was not sure would it fit, she asked me for assistance, off-course in German! :) I did not want to respond on English and used my German ( TRIED!). :) To be honest, I helped her little bit in English because I did not know all the words so since she spoke English, I used some English as well. So yeah, thank you DeutchAkademie and my teacher for your help!
Leisure Time…
Hi,I enjoy playing sports, going to the gym, watch TV, listen to music and hang out with family and friends. I also use my free time to explore Munich and learn more about it. Well, I play sports since I was little so I love being active. When I was 15, I really focused on volleyball and played in high school, college and there is a chance I continue herein Germany. There is a local club interested in me and I will see if everything will work out. I would like to play little bit here in Europe and see how it feels. Perhaps, also get involved with coaching little bit because I also coached in the US. It’s fun working with kids and I like helping young athletes so it’s a win-win situation.
Hello,Despite all the snow and low temperature, we had very interesting day at DeutscheAkademie. Although we try to stay on the right track and do not off the topic, but……sometimes we can’t help it! :)Today we talked about some wording and end up talking, for few minutes, about some of the big words in Deutsch… Our teacher wrote some very large words and I took a picture of Donaudampfschifffahrtgesellschaftskapitän which means Danube-Steam-Ship-Trip-Company-Captain… Yes, I also said Wow…The word has 29 letters!! I though it would be fun to share this here on the blog so… There is a picture of it, as well!
Free Online Course…
Hello, One of the nice and beneficial features of the DeutscheAkademie is the fact that it offers online course and exercises for free. Those are very beneficial when you want to learn more outside of class or just practice what you have already learned. I have very positive experience with online course and would recommend to everyone.I have no particular topics or exercises that I like and I like to try various topics and see where I am at. It’s also nice that one can see results immediately and get a correct answer.The online course also has various topics and it’s a great helping tool. Thank you DeutschAkademie!
Snijeg u Minhenu
Cao, posto je ovo moja prva zima u Minhenu, danas je bilo jako interesantno jer u periodu od 3 do 5 posle podne, snazan snijeg je zavhatio Mihen. Bilo je jako interesantno pogledati na ulicu jer su bile potpuno bijele i saobracaj se jako tesko odvijao. Medjutim, grad je bio u jako finom ambijentu i snijeznoj idili. Za nekih sat i pol, snijeg je napadao nekih 15ak centimetara. Ja sam pokusao uzeti sliku da bih malo docarao vam kako je to izgledalo, medjutim vidljivost nije bila tako dobra tako da se nevide neki netako udaljeni odbjekti, poput Olimpija Complex-a. kasnije se sve normalizovalo i vec oko 6 snijeg je prestao ili povremeno prolijetao.
Hello, Today, we finished 2nd week of the course and I really look forward to the next week of the course. There are many reasons for having a very positive feedback about the program. What I like most about the course is that it’s very intense and my teacher is great. She really knows how to work with us and she only speaks German which force us to learn even more.I would really want to be able to speak and interact with people at daily activities and that’s one of my main reasons for laerning the language and trying my best every day. I ABSOLUTLY love my teacher ( S.H.).. She is an amazing instructor and she knows how to push us to our limits. If I take another level, I would definitely request her as my teacher. Here is the photo of my group during the break. Most of us go outside for a coffee, smoke, or something to eat quick.
DeutchAkademie Online….
Cao Cao, Jedna od stvari koja me je jako pozitivno iznenadila je pruzanje prilike da se nastavi s ucenjem jezika izvan kursa i ucionica. Mislim da je DeutchAkademie odlicna metoda da se utvrdi gradivo predzeno za vrijeme casa i da se nesto novo nauci. Online vjezbe su jako dobro organizovane, pripremljene, i raznovrsne tako da su od velike pomoci. Uz sve gore navedeno, jos su BEZPLATNE!!!ja volim da posle skole i zadace, vjezbam online i utvrdzujem gradivo do sada predzeno. Isto tako pokusajem i neka malo teza vjezbanja iz vecih nivoa Njemackog i testiram gdje sam. Isto tako odmah dobijes odgovore da li si tacno odgovorio sto je jako fino i licno ja volim da vidim odmah rezultat. Ja sam postavio sliku s jednih od mojih vjezbanja online :).