Cao,Mihnen je svjetska metropola koja ima zaista sta ponuditi turistima koji ga posjete. Bio sam u minhenu dva puta vec i naravano da se nije moglo sve vidjeti i posjetiti. Uspio sam posjetiti Olimpiski komplex i Toranj, BMW Muzej i vidjeti dio BMW tvornice, Mercedesovo sjediste u Minhenu, Allanz Stadoin, Marian Plac, West Park…Nadam se da nisam nista zaboravio. Svako mjesto ima svoje cari i tesko je odabrati koje je najbolje jer svaka atrakcija je posebna za sebe. Ali ako bih mora onda bih bio Parian Plac i BMW Muzej, zaista te dvije atrakcije su ostavile snazan utisak na mene. Mozda je moja ljubav prema autima i kupovini presudila u ovom slucaju tako da su ova dva mjesta mi bas nesto WooW!!Od mjesta koje bih zelio posjetiti su Olimpijsko selo, Man tvornicu i logor u Dachau.Hvala,
Minehn – Omiljena mjesta
My colleagues……
Hi there, I really enjoy the course because of the people in it. We are such a divrse group and I really enjoy meeting people from other countries and with different background. Since they did not agree to take a picture of them and put on a blog, I will try describe in words who they are and where they come from. As I said previously, we are such an international and divrse group and my colleagues come from countries such as Italy, Portugal, Argentina, Australia, Hungary, Egypt, Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela. It is very interesting during the break because you can hear conversation in english, spanish, partugese. Most of us speak english so it is nice when someone do not understand what’s being said in German to translate in english and explain it. Some of my colleagues are in Munich to study others are here for work or private reasons. They are learning german to be able to study and communicate at work or on a daily basis. The major reason for taking the german course is communication at work.
Do Not Miss This!
Hi,As a said in my previous post, Munich is a well known tourist destination and has a lot to offer. I would recommend several sites to see and encourage to visit them. I might not list all the sites but it would be also very difficult to include all of them. Personaly, I have visit some of the these sites and I had a great time and enjoy the tours.1. Marienplatz2. BMW Museum3. Allianz Arena – The Football Stadium of Bayern Munich4. Olympiapark5.Olimpia Tower – Olimpiaturm6. Octoberfest7. English Garten8. Deutsch Museum
Hi, Munich is a cosmopolitan city, the Bavarian capital and a place full of history. If you’re interested, there is so much to learn about this wonderful city. It is the city that offer a lot and it would be impossible to mention everything to offer. Munich is located in the Southern part of Germany, very close to the Bavarian Alps, and is the economic center of Bavarian and Southern Germany. It is the second most-popular German city travel destination after Berlin. Munich has a population of 1,300,000. It’s a home of BMW, MAN, Bayern Munich which is one my favorite soccer teams in the world. In 1972 Munich hosted Summer Olympics Games and in the run to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. I really hope it will win the bid so I can attend such an event. Thanks,Avdo
Why take a German course
Hello, I could go on and on with the list of reasons why I am taking a German course, but I would list two most important ones. The reasons for taking the course are professional and personal. It would be very nice to hold conversations with people in German. It would also help me at my job to know the language. I want to be able to understand people while they are speaking German to me and answer question back properly.I saw an ad for DeutschAkademie in S-bahn and after talking to a lady in the office, I really liked what it has to offer. It is very easy to access because of its great location, small class size, excellent teachers, very intense program, schedule variety, and etc… I could really go on and on with the advantages of the program. It would be very difficult to include all of them because it’s very good program and very organized.Avdo
Introduction – Test!
Hello everyone, Since I am trying to familiaraize myself with the webiste and how to post stuff properly, I would like to take this post as my TEST! :=)My name is Avdo. I was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have been in Munich for a month and still adjusting to the city and culture. The reason for moving to Munich was career opportunity that I perue to explore. Regards,Avdo