Author Archives: Eyal

Museum and Deutch

Hi All,
the course is progressing at full speed, we started learning about reflexive verbs and i have found it very hard, but still with the help from Julia (our teacher) we have managed to simplify and full understand it. i have found that i know a lot of words in German that suddenly came up from the back of my mind, since i heard my wife talking to daughter but still there is a long way until i can securely say that i own the language. the weekend was very nice and we went to the Paleontological Museum in Munich and the kids were interested to see the wild life millions of years ago.


We are trying to find a new apartment in Munich. Aber Munich ist Teur und nicht “Kinder friendly”. We spoke about it yesterday in the course that prices in the city are doubled from the rest of Germany. Even in Berlin its cheaper to rent. In addition the Immobilien agenture charging their commission …mmm for practically doing nothing.
One of the lessons in the course was about this subject and how hard it is to get along with children since a lot of people would prefer to have a couple without children as tenets.

Anyways – got my eye on a nice place for rent, just wonder how much are they charging?

White Sunday

All of last week was snowing hard and finally it piled up and created amounts of snow which i personally don’t know from my home land.
Today we went out and enjoyed the amazing view, we took a sled that used to belong to my wife some years ago and the kids had fun riding down the snowed white hills.
Our course is progressing and the current theme is traveling. I am finding that learning according to themes is very useful since a part from the grammatics we are able to learn the vocabulary for specific conversations which is very useful.
A pic from our Sunday journey.:

Der Residenz Museum

Letztes Wochenende war ich mit meiner Familie in der Residenz Museum. sahen wir das Schlafzimmer der Könige und Königinnen und woderfal Schmuck. Meine Mutter kam aus israel für einen Besuch für ein paar Tage und war bei uns auch da. es ist sehr interessant, etwas über die reiche Geschichte von Deutschland lernen

I know I know… I write like four year old but hey! Give me a break.. I am only a month and a half here . I just hope that my teacher in the course doesn’t read this blog.
Here are the pictures from the trip.


Captain’s Log

Hi again,
I started my course a week ago and already I can conduct small talks with people on the street ,sales people and my wife’s family. The people in the course are very nice and come from a variety of countries: Spain, Romania, Norway, Taiwan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Croatia, and France. Its very interesting to see other people’s perspective of the life in Deutschland. From my perspective the life here are much more calm (naturally) and I believe that the calmness here allow people to be more creative and constructive.
Since the course is currently in progress we are diving deep in to the language Grammatik’s which is probably more complex than in other language. Personally I find it difficult to adjust to the fact that in many cases you have to shove all verbs at the end of the sentence so basically you have to wait for a person to finish his sentence to understand what he is trying to say.
Lastly I would like to state that the main difficulty for me is the weather, so attaching picture of the freezing cold near my house 
Viel Spass…

Eyal From Israel

Hi All,
Ich heisse Eyal und ich komme aus Israel. Ich bin im deutchland fur eine monat und zwei wochen.
I came to Germany with my wife and kids. My wife was born in Munich and i have a 6 years old girl and a year and six months boy. I will update you in the following weeks with my progress in the German language and where-abouts in Munich.
So till the next time…here are pictures of me and mu family: