Author Archives: gabi

Time to say salute!

Unfortunately my time in DeustchAkademie it is over and my time in Munich is almost over as well. I need to go back home and finish my studies, but I can’t do that before leaving a message here to every single person that was part of my history here in Munich.

First I would like to thank my flat mattes: Papi and Fili. Without you guys, my stayed in Munich would not be the same. I’ve learnt a lot from you, since small thinks like bad words in other languages, cooking tortillas and not eating spaghetti with a knife to how to be a better person, understand the others, to be patient…I am really happy because I had the opportunity to realize a dream close to wonderful people and much more than that, friends.

Then, I need to thank everybody that worked with me at Kraft Foods, my supervisors, my colleagues, my friends, Rosa from the canteen, the “Hallo Malzeit” guy from the reception, the cleaning ladies…well, everybody that contributed somehow to make every day delicious.

The last one but not less important, I would like to thank DeutschAkademie, especially Janina and Veronica, my teachers. Thanks girls for the patience and for the knowledge shared.  Know that there is still a lot of things to do and this was only the beginning but before join D.A I thought that learning German was impossible, and now I know that if I dedicate myself I can do it.

Ah, and of course, thanks Florian for the opportunity you gave me to write for the blog. It was a pleasure.

Vielen Dank und bis Später,


305 steps

The St. Peter’s Church in Marienplatz (Rindermarkt 1) is the oldest Roman Catholic church in Munich and it is considered the best place to go if you want to have the most incredible view of whole Munich –  and when the weather is good you can also see the alpes.

For students the ticket is only 1 Euro and for Adults 1,50. When people arrive there the first question that they do is:

– Entschuldigung, Wo ist der Aufzug?

– Tut me sehr leide aber wir haven keine Aufzug.

I am sorry guys but there is no lift and it is necessary to climb 305 stairs to go up there, but it really worth it. The view it is something else! You can walk around the top of the church and have a view of the for directions of the city: Sendlinger Tor, Isartor, Karlsplatz and Odeonsplatz.

And one of the best sensations is to be inside the church and listen to the big bells. You can feel the vibration!


The first snow you never forget

For Europeans, for example, must be weird to think that there are people who never saw snow and for us, people from hot countries, where the only snow that we know is the one inside the Santa Claus X-Mas glass ball, it is funny to think that frozen water can fall from the sky.

It is complicated to explain to your friends (that are facing 20°C during the winter) how it is the sensation of being on the snow. You feel that someone forgot the door of the fridge open and at the same time is destroying a styro box and throwing its pieces in from of a huge ventilator. But besides of this, the sensation is very good. At the beginning is not easy because we are not used to the cold, but after a couple of month, when you have 5°C, the day is quite warm.

Instead of complaining about the cold, let’s get a pair of skis and enjoy the winter!


Brasilianischer Empfehlung

I was asking myself lately how it is possible that a Brazilian girl, fan o the Brazilian football, had never visited a football stadium before. Based on some thoughts I decide to go for the first time to watch a football match INSIDE the stadium! But if I was going to do it, I had to do it prrrrrroperly!

The sensation to be there is indescribable! A bunch of people walking on the same direction, with the same objective and some of them wearing from the top of the head to the tip toes red and white FC Bayern stuffs: heats, jackets, shoes, scarves, pins and so one.

When you enter the stadium you heart starts to accelerate and the beats goes faster and faster as you climb the stairs. At the top of Allianz Arena, it is possible to see a lot of doors next to each other with different numbers and you need to choose one. You have the sensation that you need to choose the right one but the fact is, there is no wrong door and all will drive you to a wonderful view: 60,000 red and white spots. You can feel the energy of people and their vibration! A lot of fans screaming in one single voice “FC Bayern”.

And then, here comes the first gooooooooooal! And the second!!!! FC Bayern? Zwwweeeeei. Wolfsburg? Nuuuuuuull. DAN-KE! BI-TTE!


Bilder des Woches

In Thailand one of the principal attractions of the zoo are the tigers and as many species are in extinction, the veterinarians from the zoo tend to be extremely carefully when the matter are the tigers.

This female tiger lost her puppies and started to have blood pressure and weight problems. To try to solve her problems some people suggested new puppies from another tiger to her but it was not possible to find puppies with the same age of her little tigers, so the veterinarians had an incredible idea!


Dica express!

Aqui vai mais um post para os brasileiros de plantão que estão na luta para aprender o alemão.

Neste link é possível encontrar um dicionário on line somente com alguns dos verbos mais utilizados no dia a dia. Primeiro há o significado da palavra em Português, em seguida a conjugação nos tempos verbais Presente, Pretérito, Particípio e Futuro I e, alguns verbos ainda apresentam exemplos de uso.

É uma boa ferramenta para quem está começando a estudar ou até mesmo para quem já está em um nível avançado mas vira e mexe tem problemas com as conjugações.

Espero que a dica tenha sido útil.



The Brazilian anthem

The National Anthem is considered by the current Constitution of Brazil, one of the four national symbols of the country, along with the Flag, the Coat of Arms and the National Seal. It is one of the biggest proud of Brazilian people. After several changes on the lyrics, finally it was announced the official anthem composed by Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada. The anthem expresses the history of the country, how people fought for their independence and the love of the people for the country. It has complex lyrics due to the inverse order of the words in the sentence and unusual words used to compose it.

There is a law in Brazil that says the anthem needs to be sung with people standing and in silence. Males can’t sing the anthem wearing heats or things that cover the head. It is not permitted any kind of greeting (claps or shouting) at the end of the song.

From 22th September 2009, the anthem became mandatory in public and private schools all over Brazil and must me sung at least once a week.

In a ceremony if it is necessary to play one anthem from another country, it is mandatory to play first the Brazilian anthem.

Here are the lyrics with the German translation for you to try to understand better what the anthem is about

Portugiesischer Text Deutsche Übersetzung
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Die ruhigen Ufern des Ipiranga hörten
den Aufschrei eines heroischen Volkes widerhallen,
mit blitzendem Strahl erschien die Sonne der Freiheit
in diesem Moment am Himmel unserer Heimat.Wenn wir es schaffen diese Gleichheit
zu erkämpfen,
in Deinem Namen, Freiheit,
trotzt unsere Brust sogar dem eignen Tod!Sei gegrüßt, geliebte Heimat,
sei gegrüßt!

Brasilien, wenn an Deinem schönen Himmel, lächelnd und klar,
das Bild des Krues des Südens alles überstrahlt,
fährt ein intensiver Traum, ein leuchtender Blitz
der Liebe und der Hoffnung zur Erde nieder.

Von Natur aus ein Gigant,
bist Du schön und stark, unerschrockener Koloss,
und in Deiner Zukunft spiegelt sich diese Größe.

Verehrte Erde,
unter vielen Tausend
bist Du, Brasilien,
die geliebte Heimat!

Den Kindern dieses Bodens
bist Du fürsorgliche Mutter,
geliebte Heimat,

Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo,
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!Do que a terra mais garrida
Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores,
“Nossos bosques têm mais vida”,
“Nossa vida” no teu seio “mais amores”.Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo
O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula
– Paz no futuro e glória no passado.

Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte,
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Auf ewig gebettet in den Glanz Deiner Wiege,
dem Rauschen des Meeres und dem Licht des weiten Himmels,
erscheinst Du, Brasilien, als die große Blüte Amerikas,
wie das Leuchten der Sonne in der Neuen Welt!Du bist die herrlichste hier auf Erden,
Deine lächelnden Felder haben viel mehr Blumen,
Unsere Wälder besitzen mehr Leben,
und unser Leben, an Deiner Brust, kennt mehr Liebe.Oh, geliebte Heimat,
sei gegrüßt!

Brasilien, unserer ewigen Liebe sei Symbol
die Flagge, stolz gehisst und voller Sterne,
in Lorbeergrün kündet sie,
von einer Zukunft in Frieden und vergangenem Glanz.

Aber, wenn wir im Namen der Gerechtigkeit dem Kampf uns stellen,
wirst Du sehen, dass keiner Deiner Söhne flieht,
und, dass niemand, der Dich liebt, den eigenen Tod fürchtet.

Verehrte Erde,
unter vielen Tausend
bist Du, Brasilien,
die geliebte Heimat!

Den Kindern dieses Bodens
bist Du eine fürsorgliche Mutter,
geliebte Heimat,

Lernen mit Musik

Musik hören ist sehr gut für Übung die Sprache zu lernen. Also habe ich ein Musik für sich ausarbeiten.

Hören Sie di Musik und erganzen Sie den Lückentext.

Nur in meinem Kopf

Ich kann in 3 _______ die ________ erobern
Den Himmel stürmen und in mir wohnen.
In 2 Sekunden Frieden stiften, ______ ________, den Feind vergiften.
In ‘ner Sekunde Schlösser bauen
2 ______ einzieh’n und alles kaputt hau’n.
Alles ______ der Welt verbrenn’
und heut’ die _______ kenn’.

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken _______ und ________.
Alles nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Wir sind für 2 Sekunden Ewigkeit unsichtbar
Ich stopp die ________
Kann in Sekunden Fliegen lernen
Und weiß wie’s sein kann, nie zu sterben.
Die Welt durch deine _______ seh’n.
Augen zu und durch Wände geh’n.

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ ________ länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen.
_______ nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Du bist wie ich, ich bin wie du
Wir alle sind aus _________
Wir sind aus Staub und Fantasie
Wir sind aus Staub und Fantasie

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die ________ kommen und fliegen.
Alles nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Alles nur in meinem Kopf
In meinem Kopf
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen

Nun korrigieren Sie deine Erwiderungen!

Nur in meinem Kopf

Ich kann in 3 Sekunden die Welt erobern
Den Himmel stürmen und in mir wohnen.
In 2 Sekunden Frieden stiften, Liebe machen, den Feind vergiften.
In ‘ner Sekunde Schlösser bauen
2 Tage einzieh’n und alles kaputt hau’n.
Alles Geld der Welt verbrenn’
und heut’ die Zukunft kenn’.

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen.
Alles nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Wir sind für 2 Sekunden Ewigkeit unsichtbar
Ich stopp die Zeit
Kann in Sekunden Fliegen lernen
Und weiß wie’s sein kann, nie zu sterben.
Die Welt durch deine Augen seh’n.
Augen zu und durch Wände geh’n.

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen.
Alles nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Du bist wie ich, ich bin wie du
Wir alle sind aus Fantasie
Wir sind aus Staub und Fantasie
Wir sind aus Staub und Fantasie

Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen.
Alles nur in meinem Kopf
Und das ist alles nur in meinem Kopf.

Alles nur in meinem Kopf
In meinem Kopf
Ich wär’ gern länger dort geblieben,
doch die Gedanken kommen und fliegen

Bis später,


Cacofonia. Hein?!

Esse post é dedicado à todos os Brasileiros que estão aprendendo alemão!

Não se se vocês já tinham reparado, mas temos algumas palavras que quando pronunciadas em alemão, soam esquisito em português. O nome disso é cacofonia. De acordo com o Wikpédia, “cacofonia pode ser descrito como o nome que se dá aos sons desagradáveis ao ouvido formados muitas vezes pela combinação do final de uma palavra com o início da seguinte, que ao ser pronunciada podem dar um sentido ridículo: boca dela; vou-me já; ela tinha; como as concebo; essa fada; aquele guri lá e amigos unidos”.

Com o alemão não é muito diferente. Preste atenção:

– Kuh = vaca em português, mas se você falar isso para um brasileiro, ele vai pensar que você está mandado ele para um lugar muito feio ou falando um palavrão.

– …nicht mehr da… soa como “merda” em português

– Bundes, que em alemão significa “federal”, em português soa como “bundas”

– Pute = em alemão, peru e em português…não preciso nem falar né?


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