Author Archives: Hazel

Tollwood 2009

 Ich verstand vorher nicht was Tollwood ist.Ich will euch heute gerne erzählen wo man schöne und interessante Handfertigkeit oder Handarbeit hier in München finden kann.Die Leute mit den schwarzen Kleider tanzten zum Feuer.Sie zeigten verschiedene Kunststücke.Man kann Souvenirs einkaufen.Ich interessierte mich für den Kunstmarkt.Es gibt auch viele Restaurants wo die Leute essen können.Wir sind dort 4 Stunden spazieren gegangen,dass gefiehl mir wirklich sehr gut.Besonders beeindruckt hat mir die Handarbeit.Das Tollwood finde ich super,es gleicht wie einem Oktoberfest.Man findet es in der Stadt an der Bavaria auf der Theresienwiese.Am Eingang sieht man die Leute tanzen,ich habe ein paar Fotos für euch gemacht,damit ihr euch einen Eindruck machen könnt.Jetzt habe ich verstanden was Tollwood ist.

living conditions

today we discuss about the Ferngesehen-gern gesehen.i enjoy this thema.the teacher teach well.and the topic is a little komedy.this thema has this form passiv mit ´´werden”oder”sein”:the teacher had every students a copy of this form.präsen,präteritum,perfect,plusquamperpekt,futur1 and she make a test to us.for me this thema is not dificult.coz the teacher is very criative,and she write many example to the student.i hope this teacher is my teacher again in my next course.and after the class i have a friend she invite me to come her hause.this hause is her hause simple but beuatiful.and she told me about the living conditions here in deutschland.ja!she said that many people in these country dream of owning their own home,but he majority live in rented space.due to the relatively high density of population,rents are expensive in germany.In the conurbations like Munich,berlin,Düsseldortand Hamburg,the rent are even higher,and barely affordable for young families,people on low wages and the unemployed.those seeking a hause have their workcut out for them.Real state agents charge huge commissions for arranging accommodation(usually 2 months rent)An alternative for some is a Wohngemeinschaft,..several people share an apartment.In large cities and university cities there are Mitwohnzentralen,where house-and roommates can be found.that all today…and godbless you all……bis morgenhazel

Letzter Kurstag – Ausflug ins Restaurant!

Heute hatten wir 2 Stunden Unterricht, meine Klassenkameradin hatte die Ideen ins Restaurant zu gehen. Ich erzähle euch über meine japanische Freundin in der DeutschAkademie und wie ich sie kennengelernt habe. Wir sind mit meiner Lehrerin und Klassenkameraden zu Odeonsplatz gefahren und haben viel auf Deutsch geredet. Sie war 3 mal auf den Philippinen auf Urlaub. Sie hat mich gefragt, wie lange ich schon hier in Deutschland bin und ich habe ihr dann geantwortet, dass ich schon seit fünf Monaten hier bin. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich eine Japanerin kennengelernt habe. Wir waren dann im Restaurant essen. Jetzt fühle ich mich nicht mehr allein hier, weil ich eine neue Freundin in der DeutschAkademie gefunden habe. Die Leute sind alle sehr nett und die Schüler auch. Das Essen im Restaurant war superlecker. Godbless you all….das war alles heute.hazel


halo people!today is monday the last week of my course.but i am very interresting the system of education here.that may teacher explain about this coz ask this to systems vary from country to counrty and even from state to state,but some generalities can be made.Here ,for example,children start school at the age of six or evens sevenand then they usually go to primary school until they are 10years old.At the age ,grades will determines wchich of  the various types of school they will be allowed to go to:The Hauptschule,the Realschule,or the Gymnasium.The Hauptschule lasts until the ninth grade(age 15-!16),the Realschuleuntil the tenth(age 16-17),and the Gymnasium until the thirtheenth grade(19)In the most state every type of school leads to a final examination,the Absclussprüfung:the Haupschulabsluss,the Mittlere Reine(leaving certificate after the tenth greda of the Realschule),and the Abitur(Gymnasium).You need to have the Abitur if you want to go on to the university.The grading system goes from 1(very good)to 6(fail).also my classmates asked what is the educational system here.and now i know even not all bt ths imfortant i have to know everything here.thats all today…godbless you all…againhazel

with my teacher and my classmate

Today she discuss our homeworks and she start the next topic.and after that we dicide to go to restaurant,this is my first time with my classmate and talking with deutsch sprache.the place is in the odeonsplatz,here the german-speaking world you will encounter a strong “Kaffee und Kuchen”(coffee and cake)tradition.You will,resultantly,find cake’s everywhere.This is not normallythe place for sumptuoous meal,atlthough snacks are served,but a cafeis the ideal place for a second breakfast,a coffee between meals,and of course for the aforementioned”belt-buster(gateaus,cakes and ice cream).you can sitz and relax,read the newspapers,chat and met freinds.woman can go to cafes alone without any problems;my teacher told that the percentage of woman in cafes is corresponding high.bu if you want a proper meal at lunch or in the evening,you are best off doing to a restaurant,or a Gäststätte.old Gäststätte usually have quaint names such as “zu Löwen “,”zu Hirschen”or “zu Sonne”.If you want meet somebody for a drinks,outside of meal times,for me that is good we talking about this.and i experience that today.because it is very defferent from my gibt viele Kuchen und schmeck mir..das alles heute…hazel


hallo Leute! before the class started i already read this topic about Konflikt und Lösungen .Beziehungenskisten-the  relationship between this people and the book. If  you read without understanding the text it’s useless, so i read, but with serious reading of course you understand what the book states. The book gave many examples, I find the book good, everyone understands well. Today she discucssed this topic and what is the meaning of some words we don’t understand. She teaches very well, and she gave every student one half sheet of paper to try if we understood this topic. The paper had a question on it and we wrote the answer and another exercese and test.

This weekends

For me München is one of the most beautiful  place in Deutschland.ja,the sorounding is clean and green.i stay here almost 4 months but i really like the place,the people is very friendly.i have a friend also from the philippines she stay here almost 6 months and we studied in the same school in the city”deutschakademie”and she speak deutch well.she had an experience to see the museum in friend told me this school is very good.i choose this school coz i believe this is good for me.before i cant speak,and i feel nervous coz so many people annd everythings is new for me.but i surprised that every students,the teacher is friendly,teach well,also the secretary´s office intertain friendly.this weekends my husband tobe convice me to take this sports Capoeira,im bored so i decide to try this sports,in the benninng i feel shy coz every one played good.interresant for me to enhance my confident to meet every people and what i learnd in school i used this to ask with my new friends in capoeira.and this sports is only here in mü time i show you some pictures about this sports.hazel

Mein erster Tag in Deutschland

HaloIch heiße Hazel und komme ich von den Philippinen.vor 4monaten war ich zum erste mal in Deutschland.Ich wollte in München mein Freund zu zusammen leben.ich habe mir noch nicht Urlaub in anderem Länder hat mich vom Flughafen abgeholt.die Sprache ist für mich schwierig,ich kann  nicht spreche.ich bin traurig weil mein deutsch schlecht ist,mein freund unterrichtet mich jeden tag,aber ich muss in die schule gehen,dass ich alleine zu hause bin,kein freundin und alles neu.Am nächten morgen hat mir ein bisschen die Stadt gezeigt.die leute sind nett und freundlich.hazel

German grammar

Again we corrected our homeworks, reviewed our previous topic and after that she  started to discuss  the next topic “Verb,,brauchen =haben,müssen,haben wollen “modalverb,,brauchen “-+ Infinitiv mit zu”=nicht müssen. stated in kursbuch their’s 8 person which one of this person had  individual jobs and partime to text stated above about the information of this person and i read the info.with this thema,,brauchen”als verb and teacher gave same example and exercises about this topic to every  one of us to understand well.she the students an oppurtunity to speak and to ask a questions and gave some explaination to words i didnt understand.and of course at the end of the class the homeworks.thats all today.hazel

Der Genitiv

Today of course the instructress continued correcting our homeworks with the last topic we discussed, she gave every student examples. And we discussed the next topic (Beruf oder Berufung). This topic includes many new words. This topic involves the “der Genitiv” form, and she teaches slowly so every one of us understands this. This is for us to understand well. She wrote examples about this topic  and at the of the class she gave every one a test about this genitiv, and homework. Thats all for today.