Author Archives: Hoa

Let´s celebrate 2!

Let´s go! Let´s celebrate!

And now I would like to „show“ my class and our beers ! Hi hi… We were so lucky today, the weather is so great! So we can enjoy everything together at Marientplatz, we walking together from DeutschAkademic to the Alter Peter, and because of the nice weather so we had a great view from the top of this tower, I could see almost everywhere in the city of Müchen. We also had very good exercise (sport) when we climbed up to the top of the tower, ha ha… After that we enjoyed beer together and talked a lot. German beer is the best one in my opinion! So let´s cheer! And I wish both of you have good time, successful in studying and in life!

View from the Alter PeterView from the Alter Peter         On the top of the Alter Peter!         On the top of the Alter Peter!View from the Alter Peter         View from the Alter Peter         View from the Alter PeterOn the top of the Alter Peter!         Ohhh…. I scare… so high!!!

Unfortunately I forgot my camera today so I have to ask help from my class and my teacher so that I can collect the pictures from their cameras and I will upload more and more as soon as possible! Pls note: They have very good and funny pictures on their cameras! Hi hi..

Let´s get drunk!

Let´s get drunk!

German beer is the best!         One more beer, bitte!         Where is my beer? °°….

Talk, talk and talk!!!…             I wana dance now… ^^!             My certificate!

I wana going back to the Alter Peter! °° ^^         Let´s take picture: … 1….2 …         and… 3! ^^



Let´s celebrate 1!

My certificateFirst I would like to “show” my certificate! He he… I was  so happy when I got my certificate as I have quite good mark from this course, which is very helpful for my process to get the student visa for studying here in München! On the other side, this is the result of my effort from last month, so I respect it so much! Thank you, my teacher and my classmates!-)

My chocolateSuprise suprise! I would like to „show“ my chocolate! He he… would u like to share with me? Vielen Dank to DeutschAkademic and Jenny, who gave me this gift! Hmmm… so „sweet“!!! hi hi… Yesterday I had very good moment with both of you in the office! Danke Svea, who help me to write this blog so that I can have a chance to share many things here.My chocolate

My goal!

My studying

So finally there is only one day left i will finish my German course here in DeutschAkademie! I feel kind of strange in my mind at the moment, it is the mix of some different feelings. I feel quite sad because i have to leave my classmates and my teacher, i would like to take the next course like my classmates do, but it is impossible for me because i have to go back to Vietnam (i have time limited with my travel visa this time). I wish that i can do it at the end of this year, when i can go back to Munich again. I am very happy and satisfy with my result from this course. I don´t mean so much about the good mark (i have never had maximum mark in my tests, LOL), what make i feel happy and satisfy here is how i spend my time here in Munich, in my course and what i can get, what i can reach from this course. I got a lot, studied a lot from here, and it is so good that i could spend my time here in a very effective way, it was only one month and i can see that my German improve so quickly! Thanks a lot to my teacher, my classmates, to DeutschAkademie and people who work here, who support for me during my studying! Big thanks to my mom, my dad … etc (just kidding, i am not going to make it here like in Oscar Nomination, ha! Hi hi…)


Today my class will go out together to the „Alter Peter“. It is a high tower of a church in the center of the city (very close with my school); and from the top of this tower, we can have the view of Munich! I am looking forward so much about it, as i am happy to go out with my class, also because i have never been inside of this tower, so i am quite curious, hi hi… I will upload more pictures tomorrow!

See u very soon!

Something you should not miss!

Hmm… I am quite busy with studying at the moment! To pass this intensive course I must study every day, practice listening and speaking (pronunciation), doing the home work to review what we just have studied and prepare for the next day. It likes a big revolution in my head, changing the language in my brain to German. But it helps me to adapt my life here in Germany; it helps me for my studies in the future, my career, etc! I start to realize that exploring the German history is also very important to understand the language but it is also interesting! So I would like to share a little bit about two of my favorite historical places here in Bavaria. If you ask any local people here, they will tell you lot of interesting stories about these places or about the famous King Ludwig II, who build these places!

 1. Neuschwanstein: II         Neuschwanstein        Neuschwanstein        Neuschwanstein2. Herrenchiemsee:


Herrenchiemsee        Herrenchiemsee         Herrenchiemsee

Herrenchiemsee        Herrenchiemsee        Herrenchiemsee

I have to admit that even I saw them last autumn, but if I get a chance to visit them again, I will take it! It would be a pity if you are in Munich but you have no time to visit these castles. In my opinion, they are something that you should not miss when you are here in Bavaria. So let´s arrange something for this weekend, ha! You can also find out how to get there by the links which I share with you (by train, tour bus or car).

Wish you have a good time and enjoy it!

Ein glückliches Paar!

Hey! How is your first day of the week? I have a very good day today. As we often have a lot of fun in our class when we studying, I decide to share some more details with you some. And as you know it is very helpful to study when you have fun:

1. Ein glückliches Paar!I would like to introduce you to 2 new classmates: Anna & Fritz!Ein glückliches Paar!Fritz          Anna

Anna is so beautiful and fashionable with a professional make up, and very special she has 11 fingers! I don’t know how many toes she has, because she is wearing shoes. Fritz is a funny boy with a beard in his face. He likes to wear shorts when he goes to class. And sometimes he even has some “Sabber” when he speaks… LOL… Both were born by two groups in my class when we studied about the “Human body & health-care”. And since that day we have two new classmates in our class! Although they have a “special character”, they are very funny, friendly and help us a lot during our studies. For example when our teacher is asking something about a part of the human body – and if we forget, we just look at them! He he… just joking! But I am sure you know what I mean, when I talk about their help! :-D

2. Colorful life!Colorful life!

Today we studied about the colors. My teacher gave us some colored paper and asked us to write down word which has the same color like the paper (for example: write “Chili” on the red paper). It was funny! Life is so colorful! But at the beginning, when we got the paper, we didn’t know what we should write down. But suddenly all of the ideas appeared in our minds and we tried to catch the right color paper so we could write down all our “colored words”. The class room was full of laughs, “Entschuldigung!” and “Bitte warten!” LOL… After 5 minutes, the papers now have quite a lot of words and we start to read the words of those “things”. On each paper we had our notes – and one of my friends has very artistic hand writing, like “modern art”! Hi hi… and when we couldn’t read some words on the paper, our “artist”, who sit far away, could help us to read those words then it was his “artistic” hand writing on the paper! Hi hi…

I like these kind of games like so much, as they give us lots of fun, relaxing, they connect us and  help us to study faster, easier and remember the lesson longer!

Any plan for this weekend?

So! Finally it is weekend! I feel kind of sad as I have to leave my friends and my teacher for couple days, but on the other hand, I think we also need to enjoy our weekend. And how is about you? Do you have any plan for this weekend?

A.      Be lazy in the bedB.      ShoppingC.      Go for drinks in a nice bar, coffee shops, restaurant or a nice places in the cityD.      Go to the “Kino” (cinema) and enjoy the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”!

Choose D?It would be a pity if you don’t choose this answer! Do you know how many Oscars they got for this movie? 1 or 2 awards? The right answer is 8! They won as:….

1. Best Picture2. Best Direction3. Best Original Song (Jai Ho)4. Best Original Score5. Best Film Editing6. Best Sound Mixing7. Best Cinematography8. Best Adapted Screen Play

Let´s try to check it out here: To be honest, in my opinion, I think that the trailer cannot transport all the feelings that you get when you watch the movie. All of emotions are combined in this colorful movie, included: fun, sadness, fear, you get angry, and happy but also nervous and feel sorry! I totally agree with the 8 Oscar awards!

Choose B & C?There are so many nice bars or coffee shops in this big city. Maybe you know also some of them. Where is your favorite one? Mine is the  Cafe Dallmayr. It is a very nice coffee shop in an old and famous building, located behind Marientplatz, – good coffee, cakes!

The Café Dallmayr

The Café Dallmayr         Infront of Café Dallmayr

View from window of the Café Dallmayer         The Café Dallmayr         Outside of Café Dallmayr

Downstairs is a very nice delicatessen shop with special foods from a high quality, a little bit more expensive than normal shops. But nobody complains about the price here. You will find it out why, when you come here. This shop is already 300 years old and they got the title: “Hoflieferant”, which means they were able to deliver to the Bavarian kings. I am sure you will feel hungry when you come here, even you have just eaten before. Hi hi…

And this is a coffee shop for you if you would like to read something there (there is also a libary in this coffee shop)



You also can walk around this area as it is a popular place. And like most places, you find a lot of   historical spots. There is also another shopping mall in this area, very nice and modern, built for the same architects, like the “Allianz Arena” football arena.

Do you like to drink “Paulanar” beer and typical Bavaria food? I think you should visit the restaurant: “Nokenberg” – a traditional and famous place in Munich. By the way, they have a funny website:

If you are student, or just like to spend a good time with other students, you can come to Cafe Mozart – Good food and very good price! (this café shop is very close to Deutsch Akademie)

Choose A, B, C, D?It also can be possible! LOL… all the answers are right! But then you are a München Millionaire! LOL…We have more than two days for this weekend, ha? So we can wake up late in the morning and then go for a coffee, then walking around & shopping, and cinema and finally go to a bar around 10pm! You are the boss! Hi hi… Enjoy your weekend!

Bis dann!

My second Deutsch entry: “Vietnam – Mein Land”

So, I was talking a lot about some nice and relaxing places here in Munich, ha! I think now we should focus a little bit more on studying – let´s save the entertainment for tomorrow afternoon (as it will be almost weekend at that time), do you agree? This morning, when I saw my friend Priyanka registering for the next course, I just realized that almost 3 weeks past already, and in just one more week I will finish level 1B! I am so happy that I have had the chance to take my course here, as I learned a lot from this course – from intensive “Grammatik” to extended practice skills (listening, speaking and writing). I am especially thankful to my teacher, who teaches me a lot during my studies here! As I told you, before I am going to class, I often read the next lessons to understand, what we are going to talk about, especially about the “Grammatik”. And the following day, my teacher helped me to understand the lesson and grammar – so everything became clearer! If I look back, I realize how much we learned already. Now I know more about “Akkusative”, “Dativ”, “Trennbare Verben”, “Possessiv-Artikel”, “Modalverben”, “Präteritum”, “Perfekt”, “Komparativ”, “Superlative” …und so weiter! It is a lot, right?

When we understand more about the basic “Grammatik”, our teacher offers us more writing exercises, to practice more in our class or at home. I really love this, when I can work on this kind of exercise. My brain gets much better challenged with writing exercises, than with “Fill in the blank” or “Multiple choices exercise”, etc.  With writing exercises, I have to think more about “Grammatik”, about the correct words and the right positions within the sentence. To be honest, sometimes I also feel lazy to write. But as soon as I start to work on it, I can finish it soon and remember what I have studied better! In this entry, I would like to combine another of my writing exercises. We have to write about our own countries, so this is a chance for me to introduce a little bit with you about Vietnam – my country; and my city – Saigon! (I know that my Deutsch is not perfect at the moment, but I just try. He he…)

MEIN LAND – VIETNAMMein Land - Vietnam

Dieser Text ist nicht nur die Hausaufgabe. Ich möchte Ihnen ein bisschen über mein Land schreiben :-)

Vietnam liegt in Südostasien. Es grenzt an Kambodscha, Laos und China. Wir haben eine ganz lange Bergkette vom Norden bis in den Süden. Der Osten von Vietnam liegt am Meer. Wir haben viele Flüsse, die  von dem Berg in das Meer fließen. Es gibt vier große Städte in Vietnam, Hanoi ist die Hauptstadt, aber Saigon (order auch Ho Chi Minh City) ist die größte Stadt, es hat rund 9 Millionen Einwohner. Unsere Wirtschaft besteht aus der Landwirtschaft, der Industrie und dem Handel. Heute sind die Industrien sind am wichtigsten. Unsere Spezialitäten sind der Reis, Tee, Kaffe, Paprika und die Fischsoße.

Das größte Volksfest von Vietnam ist das Lunar New Year Fest (Neumondjahr?), das im Februar statt findet. Viele Touristen reisen wegen diesem Fest nach Vietnam. Sie kommen aber auch aus anderen Gründen; z.B. mögen viele die vietnamesische Natur, das schöne Wetter, die Strände, die Flüsse, das Essen, aber auch die Geschichte… Möchten Sie in Ihrem nächsten Urlaub nach Vietnam reisen?



Today it was a funny day. When I went to school, it was full of snow and when I came back home, the sun was shining. And now, during I write this blog, it is snowing again! Hi hi… The weather in Munich changes so often and so quickly. It is “Same same but different” with the place I come from (Saigon). Normally, when people go out in my city, they take a hat with them (because of the sun), but they also bring an umbrella or a rain coat, as it can rain suddenly from one moment to the other – and you never know! Hi hi… But I love it here in Müchen, because I love both, the sun and the snow! We don’t have snow in Vietnam, so for me, snow is something “wunderbar”! During this time of the year (March), when the season changes from winter to spring, it looks like everything is waking up! It would be great, if you would have time to go out and enjoy the seasons here!

I mentioned in last entries, that there are so many nice places here in München! It doesn’t matter what you like, from city sightseeing, historical places, industrial areas or natural places – you have everything here! I just worry that I don’t have enough space here in my blog to write about all of them, hi hi… So I only can hope that my friends will write more about the other places.

This time I choose a place that is located in the industrial area of Munich – the north of Munich. Next time I will tell you more about another place, also very popular! A place you should not miss if you have a chance to visit Munich!  But now back to the North of Munich! If you like cars, architecture, sport and nature, I think you should come here! Maybe you know that what I am going to talk about, as it is a very popular spot here in Munich!

Germany is well-known for the car industry, and I am sure that you know BMW! But did you know, that the head office of BMW is located in Munich?? Just take the U1 (subway) to Olympia Einkaufszentrum (this is the biggest shopping mall here), then change to U3 to Olympia Zentrum, and you will see the BMW tower and their amazing new BMW Welt building ( The BMW head office is very close to the big Olympic stadium which was build in 1972 for the Olympic Games. That’s why the subway station is named Olympia Zentrum! It is a huge area with a giant tower, a big indoor swimming pool for you, a fantastic stadium – and all built in this impressive architecture, which looks like the mountains which you can see from the Olympic tower.  It is very difficult to describe in words, so I took some pictures, which probably can give you a better idea, how this area looks like.

Olypic stadium (internet download)          BMW          BMWBMW          BMW          BMW

But not only the Olympic Stadium and the BMW head office is impressive, also the natural scene here is nice! All together attracts a lot of people every day who visit this are, especially when the weather is nice! And even better, if you can pick up your new car here during a sunny day! I heard it is cheaper to buy directly from the “factory”- but then you have to drive home by yourself! hi hi… To be honest, I don’t know how to put all my impressions into words – but I can promise you, you will be astonished and you may have a problem to keep your lips closed…! Hi hi… So many things I would like to say, but there is not enough space here! So, in case you see me in Munich, please say “Hi”, or just contact me and we can share more about Munich or even more!

Bis Morgen!

My first Deutsch entry: „Mein letztes Wochenende…“

Some funny pics from the zoo. “How many legs they have?”

Let’s say „Hi“ for the new week! I would like to do something new – actually it is not new, but it is different. Hi hi ^^…

I would like to combine my “Hausaufgabe” (home work) with this blog here, we have to write something about the last weekend. I would prefer to write in English so you would be able to understand everything I have done last weekend. I did many nice things last weekend to enjoy a good time in München (I also did something quite naughty but I may not tell)…hi hi… But I decided to write my blog today in Deutsch to practice what I have just studied at school. Because of my limited Deutsch knowledge I cannot tell you everything in detail, but I am sure you will discover more soon in my next entries! And now is my first Deutsch entry:


Ich studierte jeden Tag ein wenig, obwohl Wochenende war, da ich nicht vergessen möchte, was ich von der letzten Woche studiert hatte. Und weil ich oft faulenze, ist es schwierig jeden Tag zu lernen. Aber ich studierte nicht nur, ich entspannte auch sehr viel letztes Wochenende.

Ich spielte den ganzen Freitagnachmittag mit meinem Handy. Dann ging ich zum Supermarkt, ich kaufte etwas Milch und Brot für mein Wochenende ein, weil der Supermarkt am Sonntag nicht öffnet. Am Samstagmorgen wachte ich spät auf und dann trank ich einen sehr guten Kaffee in der Stadt (ich werde über diese nette Kaffeestube in meinen nächsten Eintragungen berichten). Ich ging auch zum Marienplatz und fotografierte. Und am Sonntag wachte ich auch sehr spät um 10 Uhr auf. Dann ging ich zum Zoo und dort hatte ich eine spaßige Zeit mit vielen klugen Tieren.

Hello?          Tongue…           Is he sleeping?This is my shoe!          Why do they sit like this?           Long necks…

Jede Nacht genoss ich noch spät einen Film im Fernsehen, weil es am Wochenende oft gute Filme spielt. Und letztes Wochenende hatte ich die Gelegenheit die Super Star Show “DSDS” und „Fluch der Karibik“ zu sehen. Ich hatte ein sehr gutes und entspannendes Wochenende, aber ich habe mich gefragt „Warum vergeht die Zeit so schnell?“ … hu hu… kein Wochenende mehr …

….. Bis Morgen!

Colorful Wall Notes

Colorful Wall Notes

I just came back home from the crowded U-Bahn (subway). Today the S-Bahn (fast train) had a major problem – so many people had to change the system to use the U-Bahn. But I guess this is just a small problem comparing to next Tuesday, when the whole public traffic will be on strike (I heard this on the radio today). They have been on strike just a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why they do like that. As far as I know, last year, the government increased their salary already, and at the moment, with the global economic crisis, we have to be happy if we can keep our jobs! Maybe their salary is so low compare with normal income? Anyway, I feel happy with everything; some little changes also can make life more fun! Hi hi… I am sure we have to discuss on Monday how we can manage to study on Tuesday as some of my friends live far outside of Munich.

(Good news update about the strike! Last Sat, they said that they found a solution for this problem. So there will not be a strike on Tues anymore !:-)

So, let’s go back to the main story. Do you remember, some days ago I wrote about “the notes on the wall in my class room” (on my first day in school). I was sure that one day there will be my notes on this wall, and today is that day! Hi hi…

Colorful Wall Notes Colorful Wall Notes Nina is working on it Notes of Isabel & Teji!

In the posted pictures, you can see our notes on the wall, written on colorful papers. Today our teacher introduced us to a new grammar – the Perfect Tense. As this topic was totally new to us, our teacher offered us to play a game with all those nice notes on the wall. This game helped us to understand the grammar much easier, without stress, and it helped us to remember it easily. Once I read in a scientist article, that the colorful paper is more attractive to us – as a result we like to look on them, and they also help us to remember things easier and longer.

Even my writing on my notes is not so nice (I prefer to type on the keyboard of my computer… hi hi…), but it is a good memory of a good lesson with lot of fun and very helpful for us in studying Deutsch!