Author Archives: Hoa

The lovely shooting battle…

class_img_59001.jpgHello, it´s me again, in our break time, with new “home made” hair style(Photograper: My Indian friend Priyanka)

Hmmm… I just came back home from my class and shopping (there was no more food in the fridge, hi hi). I feel quite tired and lazy at the moment, should I take a nap? No, better not… otherwise I won’t feel good later. So probably better if I relax by writing a bit (I often do that, as I forget the time and forget the tired feeling by writing my blog).

As I promised you yesterday about my “shooting” plan, today I brought my big Digital Canon Camera to the class. It was so funny, about 5 minutes before we started with study, I took out my camera and made only one picture. Suddenly one of my friends took out one more camera from her bag, and after that next took out her camera and so on…! LOL… Finally we had 4 cameras and we shoot each other like in a photo session. It was so fun! I didn’t expect that we will have a “lovely shooting battle” today.

My teacher Isabel & Priyanka, Gloria Nina (she loves this ball…LOL) Nina (too much sun?)One more camera! And one more camera! LOL Priyanka & Isabel

We always spend a great time together. Beside from our study with lots of joy (but also very serious moments), we often talk with each other during our break or we walk together to the subway after school. I feel very relaxed when I can spend time with my classmates. You can see more about us in the posted pictures (please don’t forget to click on them if you would like to see the bigger picture). I will post more pictures here, not only from our class. We plan to go out together very soon to some nice place here in Munich. Maybe our teacher can propose some interesting sightseeing places or “hot spots” in Munich… anyhow, I am sure, we are going to have a great time together. I really look forward to it!

My classmates in my German school


Today, during our break, I planned to “shoot” some pictures of my classmates to share them with you. But I got in a discussion with my Indian friend about one of the topics we were working in our lesson today. When we finished our discussion I realized that some of my classmates already left the room for some reasons: maybe a cigarette or so? Maybe you know, he he… Anyhow, I will try to capture my classmates tomorrow and updated the new pictures later.

Since this week, we have a full class, which makes me very happy. Probably some of my friends were busy during the first two days. So let´s count, how many members we have now in my class: 2 Indians, 2 Brazilians, 1 Israel, 1 Spanish, 1 Italian,1 Mexican, 1 Chinese, 1 Vietnamese (me, he he)… So totally we are 10 people now, which mean I have 9 classmates and 1 teacher! … Is it too much mathematic here? He he… Just teasing you little bit!

Most of my friends arrived here in Munich some months ago. Some of them visited already the 1st level of my school., ^^… I don’t know how they heard about DeutschAkademie. Maybe from their families or friends (like me), or they saw the advertising of DeutschAkademie in U-Bahn (subway) or so. Some came here for studying, some for travel or visiting friends and or move to Munich to live here. My Chinese friend Jeny studies Deutsch because it is very useful for his master degree. He told me, his study is mostly in English, but he thinks Deustch helps him to do more research about any topics. My Brazilian friend Nina studies just because she thinks Deutsch is good for her future, she already can speak English and Portuguese and now it would be great if she also can speak Deutsch, so she decided to spend her vacation in Munich for studying; I asked her: “Why don’t you study Spanish?”, and she answered that Spanish is quite similar with her native language (Portuguese). She always can study Spanish by herself, but with “Deutsch” she needs to go to school. My Israelian friend speaks already very well Deutsch, he lives since two years in Germany already, and he needs the training because of the grammar which is quite difficult in German – even some German people don’t know all. The rest of my classmates study “Deutsch” because they moved already to Munich for living. Some have a business here and some plan to live here in the future. For myself, I prepare myself for my next study, which I would like to complete here in Munich. We all have different reasons, but we all have the same goal: Wir möchten alle Deutsch lernen.


My language school in Munich


Hello, how was your day today? Did you learn something nice at school today? If you ask me the same question, I will answer YES. And I also have to say thanks again to my teacher, as she is always able to teach me interesting things, which I haven’t seen in the book. Normally the day before I go to school, I prepare the next day and read the lessons first at home (if I have time). Sometimes I get almost crazy as I don’t understand the texts; it looks to me like a mistake. But after a short discussion with my teacher during the break, I can understand the text and grammar, which makes me really happy and satisfied. (I am sure you know this feeling when you don’t understand something and then someone can solve the problem and everything becomes clear)!

Let’s talk about how we spend our time during the break: During the 15 minutes we could leave the class room and go out to relax. But normally my friends and I prefer to stay in class room and to review or read more about what we have just studied. Our teacher always sits there and waits for our questions. Sometimes we talk about our life and sometimes she explains more about what we didn’t understand.

explain more for my friend

Breaktime of our teacher: explain more for my friend

Today, after the class, I had the chance to walk a bit with my teacher as we have the same way to the city. We were talking a little bit more about our private life. Our teacher is very close to us, she is not only our teacher, she is also our friend. I also have good feeling with my classmates; I like to study with them..  And this is one of the reasons why I like to go to my class every day. I like to study with some joy, socialize with friends and learn something new every day. This is also the impression I got from DeutschAkadamie they are all very friendly! From the first moment when I walked into the school I didn’t feel like going to school, it felt more meeting friends, who like to support me in my study.. It is so much easier to make the firsts steps in a new country, when you meet friends, who help you to get along and help you, to understand their language and culture better.. Thank you for all!

Hey! How was ur weekend?

Hello for the new week! How are you today and did you have a nice weekend? I went to the cinema to watch the 3D movie “Journey to the center of the earth”! Have you seen it before? If not, then please go and check at the cinema or in the internet to see when they will show that movie. I am pretty sure you will like it! With the 3D stereoscopy technique, you will have the feeling as you are a part of that journey, so exciting! Munich is not only a city where you can enjoy a good entertainment or a good place to study, Munich also has many nice, historic places to visit. My best friend showed me some famous place here, and I got really impressed! But I cannot tell you all those places in this blog, so I will choose one of them, but a very impressive one.

munich_feb_2009-019.jpg    munich_feb_2009-011.jpg    munich_feb_2009-022.jpg    munich_feb_2009-032.jpgEnglish Garden (Müchen, Feb 09)

Have you ever heard about the English Garden in Munich? I think you can see pictures at many places, in newspapers, education brochures, internet, etc. It is one of ten places in Munich people suggest to visit when you have a chance. My friend told me that it is the biggest park in Europe! From the internet I found out some big numbers about this park, such as: around 130 ha is woodland, 186 ha meadows and 16 ha water, over 100 bridges and footbridges, about 50 – 60 species of bird that breed in the English Garden, there are also hedgehogs, squirrels, wild rabbits, hares and foxes, and so on. Bavarian people are very smart when they set the system of the water flow in this huge park. When you walk in the park you have the feeling that there are many rivers around you, but actually it is only one! My friend also told me that the way they built the water system helps to keep the water clean. And it is really true; I can see how clear the water is!

When I went there the first time, the park was covered with a white color from the snow! It was so beautiful! Many people went there to walk, the children played with the snow and dogs loved to run around. Because of the sunny weather it looked like the animals feel the upcoming spring. I even could here from somewhere above me the song from the birds, what a nice time! I had the chance to visit some historic places in the park as well: the Apollo Temple, the Chinese Tower, and the Rumford Hall, etc. And do you know why about 3.5 million people visit the English Garden every year? If you come here one day, you will find out by yourself! If I inspired you about this unique park and you like to know more about English Garden, you can follow this link:… Maybe this weekend? If you know some interesting place in Munich, then please share it with me – I will do the same! I wish we both have a nice week ahead and be successful with our studies – our new language!


The second day: Welcome our new member! And our international languages conference!

´´We gonna be famous!“ He he…

Every time I go back from my Deutsch class, I feel happier, more and more excited and like to study even more Deutsch! Today we study about Possessive – Article, Nominative, Accusative, and Dative; maybe they are quite difficult for people who just start to study “Deutsch”. But as I have time at home, I read about it before going to the class. That’s why I can understand the lesson today very well! And “meine“ teacher spent time to explain more for me and my friends during the break (In the pictures you can see that also my friends like to study more during the break). Btw, my teacher looks so nice today with the new ornament – a gift from my Indian friend – unbelievable; it is so good on her!

-)       -)       My friends enjoy their break time :-)

One more good news: today we have the chance to welcome one new “member“ in our class! I forget to ask him where he comes from, but I wondered why he joined our class, as I would say his “Deustch” is really “gut”! So we are happy to have one more new member, and now, since we are six members in my class, it is easy to divide the class into two or three small groups to “play“. As I mentioned before: “Deutsch is easier to learn with teacher and friends! “, and today, one more time I experienced that it is really true! Especially when we study some difficult parts, or when we have to finish an exercise with a long Text that includes a lot of new words. We share and read together, discuss more to find out the right answer in shorter time! It is also more fun and not stressful at all! We spent some time to share the background of our native languages, how they sound, how we speak, or how many different languages we speak in our countries, hi hi…

There is one more that I like in studying at DeutschAkademie: I can study online! They offer me more than thousands free exercises with explanations from “online“ teachers! It is really helpful for my self-study, especially when I am not here in Germany.

I really love my class and my school! Thanks so much to Thomas, who took me to DeutschAkademie! What I study here at school will help me a lot in my life. Not only for my future study in Germany, it also will help me to feel more confident in any social communication, and therefore also in my future job! – I have one more skill when I can speak one more big language – “Deutsch”!

Oups! … Maybe I wrote too much already, sorry, he he… I have to go back to my home work now, see u tomorrow! Cheers!

The first day in my class! Deutsch is easier to learn with teacher&friends!

I am in snow, winter in Munich :-DHi again! How are you today?

I mentioned in my last entry that I feel really excited with this course. To be honest, I also felt quite nervous because of my limited Deutsch knowledge, and this course is even a bit higher than my level. But finally my teacher and my classmates broke all my concerns.

I got eight new friends in my class, and today I have had the chance to meet four of them. They come from England, India, Brazil, etc… and all of them are young like me, around 26 or just little bit older. They are so friendly, we help each other to study and all of us tried not to speak English or any other language during this class.

The days before this course started, I worried that I cannot follow all, so I tried to prepare a lot from home. But finally I couldn’t believe what happened. At the very beginning, our teacher helped us to review the last levels. Then, step by step, we went deeper into the new lesson and I can experience that my first course day went so well – and also with so much fun! I really enjoyed it! We also spend the time during the break together and explored a bit of each other – and for sure, we spoke only Deutsch, hi hi… The teacher also gave us some homework to review what we have studied, but also to learn new vocabularies. So I stop writing now to enjoy my homework before preparing a little bit for tomorrow. Big thanks to our teacher and all of my new classmates for the great start! Vielen Dank!

Btw, I forget to say that I have very big window at my classroom with a wonderful view outside, and some nice notes of friends from other classes on the wall. These notes remind us always which points are important and what we have to remember when we study Deutsch. I know one day there will be also a note of mine on this wall, hi hi…

Cheers!Nice view from our big window

Hallo! Let´s study together! :-)

It´s me, enjoying Korean food in Vietnam ^^

Hi! My name is Hoa and I come from Vietnam. I studied Industrial Management in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Since that time, I worked in Marketing Research for four years, but I am not too old ha, only 26 years old! OK, actually 25.5… He he…

I have been in Munich for about a month, for travelling, visiting friends and taking a German class, as I plan to study at a German University. My very good friend introduces me to DeutschAkademie as a good school to study German and I totally trust him, as my first impression of the school is really good (Thanks to Jenny & Svea who support me from the begining)

I would like to write this blog by German, but at the moment my German is not good enough to do that. This time I try to take class 1B (actually it is a bit higher than my level, as I missed a few lessons from 1A), but I feel so excited and hope I will be not too lazy to reach the level of my new classmates. :-)

I had so good experience in studying by group from my last German course back in Vietnam. Soooo much fun and effective!!! So let´s make friends and study together, I really love that!