Author Archives: Natalia

Our Progress!


Day 8:Class is still going well but at a super fast speed! We have covered everything from greeting, numbers, ordering at restaurants, conjugating verbs, and much more in only two weeks! We have also began, what I find extremely difficult…articles! We had a test today over that today and I am pretty worried about the outcome! It is just that, Nominativ and Akkusativ articles seem so weird to me and though I am sure this will become easier with time and practice, it is terribly hard right now. It is also new to me, that nouns have assigned genders. The easiest thing seems to learn the genders with the nouns. Once I know the gender, and understand and have learned all the rules and reasons to use Nominativ and Akkusativ articles, I think I will better get the hang of German. Before this is all over though, I am sure I will encounter many more confusing situations! But in the end, my goal is to speak German!

Fun in the Sun!


Day 7:As I have said before, my classmates from the language school in Munich are all wonderful. Everyone is super nice and so friendly! We have all made friends with one another and though we have not all went out in a big group, we definitely have fun together in class!I just had drinks with one of my classmates in the Englischergarten today! It was such a beautiful and sunny day, perfect for drinks at the biergarten!  I love getting to know people and it was really nice chatting with someone who like I, loves to travel! I for sure hope to hang out again and would love it if more of our class joined!

My German class in Munich

1.jpgDay 6:My class is absolutely wonderful and we all come from all over!Our teacher is the only German born person in the class and though others come from Europe (Spain, Romania, Armenia) many of us come from even further. We have a person from Russia, Japan, two people from India, someone from Canada and myself, from the U.S.A. It is quite a nice makeup and we all have one definite thing in common! We are here to learn German!I am here to find work and stay in Germany! I absolutely love the lifestyle here and find the country is so vast and full of extremes! You have the Alps in the South, The Sea in the North, and lakes all over! It is quite beautiful!The participants in my course come here for various reasons. Many are looking for work and some are just looking to try something new so decided to come to Germany and see how things play out. Some will attend university soon while others have families to support. Many of us also have significant others that either live here or are here for work.I must say my class is quite unique! I love it!

Why German?

img_0915.JPGDay 5:Yesterday we received our first test results! I was pretty pleased with my score but now I will have to work very hard to keep my grades up since the material is getting harder and so much new vocabulary is being added! I am, however, very motivated to learn German and being the fact that I one day hope to make Munich my permanent residence, I stay very driven. Plus, I have lived here for quite a while and it would be really nice to be able to reply in perfect German when asked a question while out in town. It is difficult and gets frustrating to not be able to speak to people but, it is even worse to not know what others are talking about when in group settings. So, I will be quite excited when I too can take part in conversations.


Day 4: I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in Munich and I must say one of my favorite things about living in such a great city, are all the parks and gardens! A couple of my favorites are the Englischergarten and Westpark! It is so neat to me, that in the midst of such a big city there are such quaint little getaways! They are all so unique, too!I have also learned to love public transportation! It is so convenient and here, you can get anywhere on foot or with the use of subways or trams! In Gerogia, where I grew up, it was nothing like that. You need a car to get from point A to B. And bikes are not nearly as practical as they are here, though I have yet to get used to riding one!I also love all the bakeries and their Bavarian sweet treats!  Mmmm!

How I came to be here…


Day 3:I am so excited to finally be taking a German course!  I have been living in Germany for 2 years now, but given that I was living in a mostly English speaking community and was constantly traveling, as I tried to take in as much of Europe as I could, I failed to learn German.  Silly, I know but it happened so here I am now, taking a step, long overdue!So far, I love the course and remain positive that the outcome of these lessons will be very beneficial!  It has been nice since I have at least heard the language before, however, German is a very difficult language and trying to pronounce some of the words seems impossible! Ich. I am not sure if I will ever say that word right but will keep trying.  :)For me, picking DeutschAkademie was easy! The classes were affordable and offered at convenient times…plus, I was able to sign up only a few weeks before my class started, so there was no long wait! I am very happy with my choice!

My language school in Munich


Day 2:Today is day two. These first two days have been wonderful! I already feel like I have learned so much and am sure that I will learn even more by the end of this week! My class is wonderful and each of us come from far away places. Combined we have people from all over the World! Turkey, Russia, Spain, Japan, Romania, India, Armenia, Canada and the U.S.A.  As for our Instructor, Serkan, he is great! He has been very helpful so far! He tries to carefully explain the lessons to ensure we are all fully understanding the point being made. It is pretty easy to get confused though. Some of the concepts being covered are new to me but I am sure in time, everything will come together.We have already spent time on common greetings and introductions and had a chance to listen to many small conversations, trying to note which verb ending is most appropriate. It is very helpful to hear the way words are supposed to be spoken but as for verb endings, I need to work on those. We’ve also just covered the continents and then moved onto careers where we encountered the differences in gender. This too, is something I am not used to in English. It will be hard, but I will just have to pay close attention.I am excited about what we have learned thus far and am very excited to be part of this language school in Munich!