Author Archives: Raissa

The God of the Rain

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

Heute ich will über mein „Lieblings-präkolumnischer-Gott“ schreiben.

In Mexiko wir hatten viele Götter und Göttinnen gehabt, weil wir hatten viele polytheistische Religionen gehabt. In Aztec Religion sein Name is TLALOC, (Nahuatl Sprache),  sein Äquivalent im MAYA (Sprache) war CHAAC, aber in Zapotecan wurde er COCIJO genannt.

Ich hatte in einer Wüste meine ganze Leben gewohnt. Deshalb war er für mich der Wichtigste unter alle vom Ihnen. Ich muss unbedingt ein bisschen über Ihn euch erzählen.

Der Gott TLALOC hatte für seine Aufgabe um das Wasser zu kontrollieren. Er wurde für die Azteken generell mit allen Wetterphänomenen assoziiert: wie das Regen, Hagel, Eis, Schnee, Stürmen, Wolken, Hochwasser, Donner und Blitz. Und als ich ein klein Kind war, hatte ich für ihn jeden Tag gebetet, damit er wurde das Wasser in mein Wüste lassen. Wir haben in der Schule der „Danza de la Lluvia“ (der Regentanz) gelernt.

Dieser Gott war der Herrscher des 4 Himmels und war mit XOCHIQUETZAL (Die Blumen Göttin) verheiratet. Wie ihre Mann sie war auch sehr bekannt, weil sie war die Beschützerin der schwangere junge Frauen.

Heute habe ich darüber nachgedacht, weil hier ist Regen. Obwohl ich liebe das Regen, es hatte mich immer glücklich gemacht. Heute wünsche ich, das es nicht regnet.

Sadly this is my last Post
Hope you guys liked them!

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

It is almost time for one of my favorite celebration of the year. In Mexico we celebrate the dead, but not in a scary way like in other Countries (USA – Halloween).  It is important not to confuse one thing with the other, because they are completely different.

For many generations before the Spanish Colony in the 16th Century, the Pre-Colombian Cultures celebrated the dead in a slightly different way.  The origins of this festival came from an ancestry Aztec Goddess Mictecacihuatl. She takes care of the afterlife and her celebration was held in the Summer. When the Colony began, the Spanish mixed this tradition with the Christianity having as El día de los Muertos moved to be celebrated in November 2.

It is a three-day celebration:
It starts with OCT 31, ALL HALLOWS EVE, where the children make a children altar to invite “Los Angelitos” (Spirit of dead children) to come back to visit.  This Altar has toys and candies for them.

Nov 01, is ALL SAINTS DAY, where the adult spirits will come to visit.

Nov 02, is ALL SOULS DAY, where families go together to the cemetery to pay Respects by cleaning and decorating the graves of their deceased family members with flowers, candles, food (that they used to like), Sugar Skulls, fruits, incenses, and so on.

During this Month we make Ofrendas, Altares, special food like Atole, Pan de Muerto, Sugar Skulls, Parties, and Parades and so on.  Probably you already know this from the movie SPECTRE James Bond 007 where they show a parade in Mexico-City. To be honest it was never held before in the history, but after this movie we have a Mexico City parade for the day of the dead. And I was there to experience it for the first time.

It is a special bond between the live and the dead. It may seem scary and creepy for outsiders, but it a beautiful tradition in order to pay respects and to remember with happiness the life of the ones that will no longer be with us. The people who died are your loved ones, therefore they deserve respect, love and to have them always in our heart and minds.

During the Parties and Parades we dress up like Catrinas and Catrins. These special characters of this holiday were made with “European clothes of that time” and their faces are skulls. Therefore we paint of faces like a skull.

In 2008, this tradition was inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage  of Humanity by UNESCO.

I took this Picture of 2 children dress up like Catrín y Catrína in the Zócalo (center of the city) of the Ciudad de México in Nov 02 2016:

You can watch the Parade made for SPRECTRE 007 in the link below:

Here the REAL PARADE in Mexico City (Completely colorful and Alive!) in the link below:

Liebe Grüße aus Mexiko,
Raissa Ruiz


Das Naturbad Maria Einsiedel

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

Das Freibad Maria Einsiedel ist wahrscheinlich Münchens schönstes Schwimmbad ohne Chlor und chemische Zusätze in einer unvergleichlichen Auenlandschaft, dennoch die Wasserqualität ist besser als in einem Badesee.

Es wurde als erstes Bad in München nach rein ökologischen und umweltschonenden Gesichtspunkten konzipiert und gebaut. Seit 1899 ist das Bad zwischen Parks und Auen entlang der Isar, und es ist Flussbadelandschaft und Freibad gleichermaßen.

Der Knaller ist der rund 400 Meter lange Isarkanal, der durch das Bad fließt und in dem sich man mit der Strömmung treiben lassen kann. Seit 2008 man kann nach der Umwaldung des Bades in ein sogenanntes Naturbad schwimmen.

I have never been there, but it is in my München Bucket list. Among many other places, it is for sure one of the best Naturbad in München. Also, according to the information written in their website the quality of the water is far better than in a normal public Swimming pool. That is because they use no Chemicals to keep the water pure.

Therefore if you have kids it’s a safe place that you can take them or if you don’t… then it’s a perfect place to enjoy the sunny days.

Hope this information is useful for you.

It is important to say that:  es ist an Schlechtwettertagen geschlossen.

For more information:

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz

Mein Lieblingsbiergarten

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

Today I will write you about my favorite Biergarten “Biergarten am Seehaus”. It is easy to find, and that makes it a good place to meet your friends. There you can eat what they sell or bring your own meal, and of course a cold beer while enjoying the beautiful view of the lake.

Der Seehaus Biergarten befindet sich in idyllischer Lage direkt am kleinhesseloher im English Garten. Der Englische Garten ist ein riesiger Park mit Wiesen, Wäldern und Bächen. Diese Kleinhesseloher See ist im Jahr 1803 angelegter See.

Man kann natürlich klassische bayerische Biergarten Spezialitäten wie Hendl (Hähnchen), Leberkas, Fleischpflanzerl und vieles mehr essen. Es gibt unterschiedliches Publikum am diesen Biergarten. Deswegen sind junge Leute, die sich treffen nach der Arbeit, Schule oder nach dem Sport im Park. Außerdem ältere Generationen bei eine Spaziergang Pause und Touristen.

Außerdem, wenn du Kinder hat diese Biergarten ein Spielplatz für die Kleinen. Sie können Enten füttern und Boot fahren. Oder sie können Pommes und Hähnchen Nuggets essen.

Während im Sommer ist täglich geöffnet ab 10 Uhr bis 23 Uhr, es ist auch offen im Winter oder Herbst solange das Wetter ist gut.

Abschließend es ist ein guter Platz um den Sonnenuntergang zu genießen.

Liebe Grüße,
Raissa Ruiz

Blick von See auf den Biergarten Seehaus:

Old Friends

Dear Readers,

Today I will write you about my Best Friend, this picture was from her first experience in Germany, Munich. This little Mexican-Argentina Girl was my Partner- in- Crime during my late teens and early 20s… To be honest, at first we hated each other. That is because we had different point of views, but at some point we found something in common and everything started to change.
With her I learn so much about true-lasting-Friendship, life and love. Together, we enjoyed coffee mornings and Mate afternoons.  She became part of my family as I became part of hers. The University time was an amazing period of my life, sadly everything that starts has to end at some point…

I moved out from my home country and meet new people, had incredible experiences and learned new languages. In the other hand, she stayed home at her parents’ house *which is something common in Mexico.  As girls, we don’t actually move out of our parents’ house until a big life event happens like getting married, or if you are lucky… get into a Master Degree in another city *country… get hired in a job in another city.

Although this may be true for most girls, it wasn’t for me. I travelled to the US 1 year to practice English before my Master, but I never imagine I would meet the love of my life and moved even further to another Continent… :)
I have learned a lot in these last years away from my home country, but from time to time I find myself a little sad, and it is hard to realize that life will not be the same as it was before, everything changes and sometimes faster than  the blink of an eye.

In conclusion, when you move to another country, your old friends will not be there to be your partner in crime like always * need to find new ones* But they will always have a place in your heart and your life. So be happy when you get to see them and enjoy the moment you share in space and time.

Sometimes life is even better than what you had imagined.

I have the same picture of my first time in a Biergarten: a huge Brezel in one hand, a huge Maß in the other and a big smile :D







Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

Ich muss unbedingt berichten, was in den letzten Monaten passiert ist. Ich habe meine Prüfung bestanden. Und dann haben Thomas und Ich eine große Reise gemacht. Zuerst sind wir mit dem Auto nach Österreich gefahren und dort sind wir vier Tage lang in den Alpen gewandert. Das war wirklich traumhaft!

Dann haben wir zehn Tage auf einer griechischen Insel verbracht. Wir haben uns so richtig erholt und das Labyrinth im Knossos besichtigt. Danach hatten wir wieder genug Energie für Matala das ist ein Dorf an der Südküste der griechischen Insel Kreta. Und wir haben gelernt, dass nach dem griechischen Mythos Matala der Ort war, an dem Zeus in Stiergestalt mit der von ihm entführten Phönizischen Prinzessin Europa an Land ging. Das weiß ich, weil ich habe ein Buch gelesen.

Ich glaube, wir haben alle Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigt, die es in Kreta gibt. Als wir dann nach Hause geflogen sind, waren wir müde, aber glücklich. Ein richtiger Traumurlaub!

Another good thing about living in Germany is that everything is close by. Therefore, in a few hours you can be Snowboarding or hiking in the Alpes, or maybe in a beach paradise. There are many different cities and cultural places to explore and enjoy.

Also, since all my classes in Deutsch Akademie have been international I grew a necessity to learn about my classmate´s different cultures. And so to travel around countries.

Hope you guys have an amazing time in Germany and learn a lot in DeutschAkademie.

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz

Stairway to Heaven

Dear Readers:

This picture sums up of my life within the last year. This is all my German books :) You actually cannot see, but there is a huge cup of coffee to my right. (like always) Which has been my companion through this little path.

To be honest, it has been an emotional rollercoaster ☺ because in 2016 I didn’t even imagine myself learning German. I thought it was a difficult language and frankly I would had learnt any other latin – romance language just because they are closer to my mother language (Spanish) but turns out it not that hard to learn and interesting. If you know a few words in English you already know some German too!

Mann.   Grass.  Ball.  Park. Hand. Haus
man. grass.  ball.  park.  hand.  house

And so on…

When I first move to Germany at first I was petrified when people talk to me and I couldn’t understand them (nor the TV, Radio… basically nothing). For that reason I became a timid person, which is not my personality at all. Thank God it was just a brief period of my live.

Once I enrolled in DeutschAkademie everything started to be transparent. Taking baby steps at a time and, so far so good this is my 7th class!!  Therefore, for me it was a keen decision to enroll and to continue studying. Otherwise, I would be completely lost.

This is my little stairway and I have enjoyed every little step of it.

Hope you guys have an amazing time learning German at DeutschAkademie

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser

Today I will write you about…

Mein Fest in Deustchland heißt Oktoberfest. Heutzutage ist  von 16. Sept  bis 03. Okt. Heute ist das größte Volksfest in der Welt und zieht jährlich circa sechs Millionen Besucher an. Man kann feiern mit Freunden oder Familie. Es wird in München, Bayern gefeiert. Wir essen deutsche Spezialitäten und Süßigkeiten und trinken viel Bier. Es gibt auch Spiele für Kinder und besonders things to do :) Es gibt Musik und Mann kann auch tanzen.


Das Erste Oktoberfest

Am 17. Oktober 1810 war es soweit: zu Ehren des  königlichen Brautpaares, das am 12. Oktober 1810 geheiratet hatte, fand das erste Pferderennen und damit der Vorläufer zum Oktoberfest auf der Theresienwiese statt, damals noch am Stadtrand. Der Name für diese „ Wiese“  wurde damals  von de Braut Prinzessin Therese übernommen und heißt seither „Theresienwiese“.

The Oktoberfest today:

It is a popular festival known all around the globe. The first time that I heard about was in 2007 at my University (Universidad de Sonora) in Mexico. Sadly we call it “German Beer Fest” of course nobody had an idea of the real meaning of the festival in my city. Only the students who studied German as a Foreign Language knew the real meaning of the festival. Even though in 2015 I was at New York City I couldn’t go to this one, because unfortunately I had to work that day.  And thanks to my good luck (good star) it was until 2016 my first time in the real Oktoberfest.

It was an amazing experience if you are in München or close by those dates you need to have this experience.

Meine Top- Tipps ist:

  • Besuchen sich das Oktoberfest
  • Kaufen sich ein Dindl oder Lederhose
  • This time the beer has more % of alcohol. Be careful.
  • Nur Für Mädchen: Kaufen sich ein Dirndl : the dress needs to be long. To avoid … misunderstandings: you need to know that the waist bow has to meanings. Bow on the left is: Single. And boys will approach you because you are giving them a “Good Luck Signal” If the bow of the apron is on the left side, you are single. So they can try their luck. Bows on the right: Relationship. A bow on the right is signals that you are already taken or married :) and nobody will bother you.

I wish you a wonderful time in Germany

Liebe Grüße aus München

Further information in English:

Just a few more Recommendations

I write time in English because I guess if you are reading this blog is because you are thinking to move to Germany for a few months to learn the language, or maybe to make a lifetime. Whichever is your ideal is. Here are some recommendations for when you move to Germany.

1st  You need to do is learn the language. Join a School * DeutschAkademie gives you many options. The schedules are from early morning to nighttime. Depends if you are a morning person or in your job/school schedule. You can choose 4 days a week or less, Conversation clubs, etc. Also, watch every movie or TV in German.

2nd Be adventurous try things you have never done before.

3rd Find a Hobby, because this is how you can also meet people (Natives).

4th Enjoy the summer, because summer in Germany it is amazing; you are able to do a million things before the sunset. (Literally, the Sunset is really late)

5th Go as much as you can to the lakes, they are close by and every one of them has something different to offer.

6th Go Hiking, from spring through Autumn.  Here you have many options and would never be bored.

7th Try different Biergartens and decide for yourself which is your favorite. Order a Maß and giant Brezel. Relax and enjoy a good sunny afternoon with your friends.

8th Oktoberfest is coming, be prepared reserve a nice table (with time) for you and your friends. Buy a Dindl oder a Lederhose depends on your case or preference. And enjoy this great time.

9th Buy a bike, Munich is bike friendly. The streets are made in a way so you can ride your bike and be safe. It is the perfect way for transportation.

10th When “Winter is coming… “ get your snowboard or skis ready! Buy all the gear that you might need. It only means one thing (to me) The Alpes in winter are a wonder you need to see and experience in your lifetime at least once! You cannot come to Germany and neglect them!

Hope you have an amazing time in DeutschAkademie and Germany.

Raissa Ruiz

Rose Garten am Westpark

Dear readers,

Today I will write about another place in Westpark. München has a lot to offer from a big city to green areas. Ich bin vor 6 Monaten nach Deutschland gekommen und der Westpark ist mein Lieblingspark in München.

The Rosen Garten is a beautiful place to hang out and enjoy the view. Its perfect for a picnick on a sunny day! I go there normally after my German classes to do my Hausaufgabe and to study. The smell of the roses and their colors are fascinating. Defenetly a pleasure to all the senses.

Letztes Jahr bin nach Mexiko geflogen um meine Familie zu besuchen und um mein neues Visa anzumelden. Heute warte ich darauf, dass mein Studium an der Universität beginnt. Classes to start. Ich freu mich schon darauf!

Liebe Grüße aus München,
Raissa Ruiz