Author Archives: Sabrina

My first week at DeutschAkademie

img_3788.JPGMy first week at DeutschAkademie was wonderful. I have been in Munich for the past 5 months, and before coming to the DeutschAkadmie, I attended a different Sprachen Institute in Munich. I must say, I am so glad that I changed, because when I compare the DeutschAkademie to the last school I attended, everything is better! The DeutschAkadmie is cheaper (!!!), has great teachers (I love mine! She is so sweet, she even offered to help me create my Resume so I can find a German job here!) smaller classrooms (I only have 4 others in my classroom, compared to the 20 I shared a class with previously) and flexible times (I scheduled my time from 12-3, which was the best time for me. However, it is nice for me to know that I can go earlier or later in the months to come).  Even the Secretary is so helpful and kind that I feel completely at ease here at this school.In week 1, I learned a lot of useful words that I ended up using almost everyday. Words such as “lebenslauf” und “bewerbung,” and the difference between “vorschlag,” “vortrag,” und “vertrag” were all learned within the first few days of the class. (They sound sometimes so similar!!) And what I also appreciated was that the teacher did not focus entirely on the book. We looked at the book for a few minutes to understand the weeks objectives and rules, but after that, we had different handouts to work on, some scenes from a movie to understand, listen to a song (and a good one, not a childrens song!!) and interpret it, and even play some memory games! And after every lesson, we covered the main points of the lecture, and reviewed the most important words. I am really enjoying the classes so far. Definitely worth my time and money!