Author Archives: Sergio C.

What I Like about Munich

I love the parks, big, nice and clean and I love the way how people enjoys them … When there is good weather and mild temperature everyone goes out from the house for a walk in the park, especially the Englisch Garten but also in the riversides of the river.

During Christmas time, for one month, in almost every square, little or big, you find markets selling Christmas decorations and special food and drinks … Amazing!!!
About markets, walking 10 mins from DeutschAkademie, you can visit the Viktualienmarkt, an old and  really nice open market where you can find fresh food, little restaurant and specialities from all over Europe, simply great!

Sergio 2. Kurswoche

The reasons why I decided to study German

Guten Morgen,

today i want to tell you why I decided to study german. I work in the tourism (hotel manager) and the place is Tuscany, a land loved by people coming from central Europe, especially from Germany .. of course talking in english is easy and help me really a lot but, I think, to give the welcome and talks german with german guests it will be really really good.

One more reason is because I visit Germany frequently and now is time to have a conversation in german with the people that i meet, it is a way to respect the people of the country I visit so often.

I choosed the Akademie after a quickly tour on internet, i found their website and it was really clear and easy to find the answer to my questions, all, including prices and termes of conditions. Of course I compared with other schools but or because their website were not really clear (sometimes really confused me) or because were too expensive or for other reasons I decided to go to the Akademie and after a really nice and friendly conversation with the employer I decided to make the test for the admision and I paid for the first course … fast and easy :-) I am really sure to have taken the right desition: a good quality at the right price.


First day at DeutschAkademie

Today is my first day of the german course level A1.1, my name is Sergio, 50 years old, I come from Italy and I work in the tourism … that’s one of the reasons why I decided to learn german.

This is not my first visit in Munich and the second reason why i decided to study german is because i love this town and i want to know more about the culture and the lifestyle.

The third important reason because I am here is to learn how to organize better my “things”, YES … I’m 50 and don’t think I’m too old to learn how to improve my life ;-) and wich is the best place to organize properly? I will start exactly from today with my “school bag”: pens, pensil, course book, homework book, notebook, water and coins for the coffee :-)

I’m sure it will be a nice experience, the conversation I had some days ago with the girls of the office gave me a right and positive impression … Let’s start the day with a big smile.


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