Author Archives: Suphansa

My Classmate

I have been in class A1-2 for 4 weeks. And Yes!!!! I am eventually managed to take photos of my classmate. The class supposes to have a total of 10 people. But after the first weeks, it is only 8 of us who really participated in the class. So, 3 girls (Mariko, Sofi and me) and 5 guys (Stavo, Nunzio, Vanja, Ronald and Javi) as you can see. We tool this photo a day before Vanja going back to his country before the end of the course. Good luck Vanja ^_^
One of the reasons for me to enjoy the course is friends. I’m happy that I have more friends during my time in Munich. We have each other facebook and all 3 girls will still be together in the next course. Ask for guys, some of them have to work and some of them will go back to their country after this summer. It is nice to know everyone and at leases we have a photo to remember each other face. And if we happen to bump in to each other I can say hi.

Exam !!!

At the end of the course, we have an exam to review our knowledge. Within 80 minutes, the exam is consisted of 4 parts which are Writing, Reading, Listening and speaking. I find that it is not too difficult but it really tests what I have learnt from last 4 weeks. Well, not all of it because the teacher also teach us some other things that is not in the book as well. She often gives us vocabulary and how to say things in a certain situation. I have been preparing a lot for the exam. The stress day is gone. Now it’s time to relax. So, our class went to a café near the Deutsch Akademy. In the café, Marion asked us to talk in German only. I’m tried to make a sentence but it took me so long because my German is only at a beginner level. That’s ok I will practice more.

BMW Museum

Have you ever been to BMW museum? I would say you should include this in your Munich trip. Personally, I’m not really into engines and stuffs but I still enjoy this place. And if you are student, you can buy the ticket at a concession price. The museum is located close to the Olympic Park. So, you can reach their by taking U1 train from Hauptbahnhof. It should take 10-15 minutes I think. I liked how the museum presents the history of BMW right from its start. You can also find lots of technology and modern car to enjoy.
Then, there are some cute cars that I really have to take photos with. Talk about the cute car, I have no idea how could this car possibly drive on the street. It’s just too small like a toy car. It can only carry 2 small passengers without a bag. I also spent an hour in the concept car section. I’d never that car’s body have to model from wood.
Alright, it is would my money and I’m not disappoint at all. If you plan to go to the museum, don’t forget to check the opening hour. I’m not 100% sure but I think is close on Monday.

Asking for direction

I leaned to ask for direction from the class and I would like to share some useful sentences.
So when you’d like to ask for a please, you could say;
Entschuldigung wo ist _(the place)_? (Execute me, where is………?)
Then people might answer;
Gehen Sie hier rechts /links, bis zur Kreuzung / zur Ampel. (go to the right/left, to the intersection / to the traffic light)
Geradeaus die …… Straße entlang. ( go Straight ahead …the street name along the road).
I hope you get some idea of the direction and not got loss. Good luck everyone.

Essen II

I come back with a vocab of Meat and bakery product and other things. I love to go to supermarket and cook food for myself. So, it’s good to learn how it is called in German.

das Fleisch(meat) und die Wurst (sausage)

die Wurst (sausage), die weißwurst (white sausage), der Schinken(ham)

die Pute (Turkey hen), die Ente (duck), die Garnele (prawn)

der Truthahn (Turkey), der Kalmar (squid), der Fisch (fish), der Schinken(ham)

das Hähnchen (chicken), das Schweinefleisch (pork), das Rindfleisch (beef),
die Backware (Bakery product)

das Brot (bread), das Croissant, das Baguette

die Breze, die Sammel
der Milchproducte

die Milch (milk), die Butter (butter)

der Joghurt (yogurt), der Käse (cheese)

White sausage and Breze are everywhere in Munich. If you ever come here, I recommended you should try it along with German beer.

Essen I

Today lessen is about food. In the class the teacher have given us lot of vocabularies and I have to memories as tomorrow we will have to do a roll play to be a food buyer and seller in our class.
How I remember words is categorizing the food. For example
das Obst (fruit)

die Erdbeere (strawberry), die Preiselberre (cranberry), die Blaubeere/ die Heidelbeere (blueberry), die Kirsche (cherry), die Himbeere(raspberry)

die Banane (banana), die Ananas (pineapple), die Orange (orange),

die Melone (melon), die wassermelone (watermelon), die Homigmelone (honeydew melon, rock melon)

die Zitrone (lemon), die Limone (lime),die Tomate (tomato)

der Apfel (apple),

Note: most of article for fruits is “die” except der Apfel. I don’t know why but that the way it is.
das Gemüse (Vegetable)

die Kartoffel (potato), die Karotte/die Möhre (carrot), die Paprika, die gurke (cucumber), die sojasprossen (beansprouts), die zwiebel (onion), die Lauchzwiebel (spring onion)

der Knoblauch (garlic), der Brokkoli (broccoli), der Spargel (asparagus), der Kohl (cabbage), der Blumenkohl (cauliflower)
For vegetable, if you are in Munich you have to try the white asparagus. This is a special vegie in summer. I peeled and boiled. Then have it with Hollandaise sauce. So nice !!!
This is pretty much of what I sew from a market in Munich. I will come back and write more of meat and milk product tomorrow :)
I have homework to give 5 names of food from my country in German. I might have to show my friends a photo as well for them to understand :)

Olympia Park

Just before the summer is over, I decided to spend my weekend in the Olympia Park one more time as the feeling of sunshine and park in Munich is so nice. I saw families, couples with their dogs all around the park. It is very peaceful and beautiful place I suppose. This time I bring my camera with me so that I can get some pics to show you how it looks. I was sit near the lake for hours with my food, book and the camera of course. When you are in somewhere long enough, you will observe the place and their people lifestyle better. I have a chance to play kids and dogs around the lake that I sit.

Here is the cutest kid and dog of the day. For the kid, I couldn’t tell if this kid is a boy or a girl. The kid is wearing a pink hat but dressed up like boy. Special isn’t it? This dog really tried to pose to my camera and also running around and trying to bite its tail. This is what I called travel and I really enjoy my time here.

Akkusativ Dativ

There are 4 cases of article form. Few days ago I have written about Nominative. Today I would like to introduce another fellow call “Akkusativ”. Akkusativ is a case of Noun working as an object of the sentence. Of course there will be some changing to the article when the case is change from Nominativ to anything. This time is also the same. When the sentence have akkusativ, article Der is changed to Den. Article Die/Das are still using the same form.
For example, I buy a/the table “Ich kaufe den/einen Tisch”. So, table is the object of this sentence. Have you noticed “der Tisch” is changed to “den Tisch”?
Please see the table below for the article form of each cases.

Nominative Der Tisch Die Maus Das Telefon
Dativ Dem Tisch Der Maus Dam Telefon
Akkusativ Den Tisch Die Maus Das Telefon

Note: I found that a free poster from DeutschAkademie called “Kleine Grammatiktafel der DeutschAkademie” is really useful to me. It is helping me whenever I write a sentence. Please take one home ^_^.



My teacher is sick, therefore; the class are not running for 2 days. She got a cold. I noticed that her voice was changed and she kept sneezing all the time yesterday. In class, we’ve learned the vocabulary for sickness. I remember the words better when it is really happed.
“Ich bin erkältet” is means “I have a cold” and the symptom around is
die Halsschmerzen = sore throat
husten (v) = Cough
der Schnupfen = Sneeze
niesen (v) = sneeze
die Kopfschmerzen = Headache
die Grippe = Flu
das Fieber = fever
On this circumstance, we get 2 days off this week but we are going to have makeup class for 2 Fridays. I hope she is getting well soon.


Wednesday 6 July,
In German, there are 3 types of article in normal form which is der, die, and das. On A1/1 class I have learned that every noun has their own article and we have to memorize it along with the words. For example Der stuhl, Die Tafel, Das Auto. Today lesson is Dativ. My understanding is any Noun after Proposition is considered to change their normal article form.
Der /Das are changed to Dem. Die is changed to Der.

Nominative Der Tisch Die Maus Das Telefon
Dativ Dem Tisch Der Maus Dam Telefon

For example,
Der Dunken ist auf dem Tisch und neben dem Telefon.
Die Tastatur ist vor der Maus
Please note: the red texts are noun after proposition (Dativ).

The key to be able to use Dativ correctly is to always remember articles along with the words. I have homework to write about 10-15 sentences using Dativ. Helpfully I will gain more understanding on this topic.